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BT Füchse: Promote sport, strengthen sustainability

Why invest in sustainable projects now?

For Christian Rahm, functionary at the Upper Styrian handball club BT Füchse, the answer is clear: “The sports club of the future can only move in the direction of sustainable development – our environment shows us the limits within which we move every day. Our playing field is part of this environment for which we want to take responsibility. The game does not end with the final siren – our commitment goes beyond the boundaries of the club. “

The award “Most sustainable sports club in Austria”, which BT Füchse received in 2020 in the competition “sustainable win”, is above all an obligation for handball players to be a role model for other sports clubs with future campaigns.

“We want to help bring as many clubs as possible to our sustainability level,” said Rahm. “It goes without saying for us to share our know-how and the experience we have gained with others and to develop new ideas together. We have around 200 members in our association, and we can meet over 6,000 people via our social media channels Achieve concerns. That is a lever that we want to use more intensively in the near future to communicate sustainable topics. “

“Sportopia” – platform for clubs and companies

In addition, the BT Füchse came up with the “Sportopia” event, a forum for sustainable sport that is unique in Austria. This event has already been held twice in the Trofaiach sports hall and served sports clubs and innovative companies as an exciting platform.

In October this year it should be that time again, and Sportopia will open its doors for the third time.

An essential part of the association’s activities was the “Centerbag”, a sustainably produced ball sack for handballs. The idea was very simple: The Lebenshilfe Trofaiach designed and tailored ball bags from old banners that the club’s sponsors had put up in the hall. The finished bags were distributed in the club and to other handball clubs.

“As simple as the basic idea was, the positive effect of the ballbag was just as amazing,” says Rahm. “The centerbag was at the beginning of our activities and was certainly one of the reasons to distinguish us as the most sustainable sports club.”

Sustainably mobile for training

The BT Füchse have also been able to establish themselves in other areas of activity, and further plans are already pending. Issues that are important for the association and the community, such as waste management and mobility, are to be promoted with partners from university research institutions in the future. The measurability and transparency of sustainable interventions in and around the sports facilities will form the focus with which the Füchse want to further confirm their pioneering role.

Electromobility is already on the agenda for the players today. The foxes have two electric vehicles at their disposal with which they can drive for training purposes. An e-filling station right in front of the sports hall in Bruck an der Mur makes it a lot easier to always have the vehicles ready to go.

More ideas en masse

The Upper Styrians have no shortage of other ideas: urban gardening around the sports facilities, ecologically and ethically correctly produced sporting goods that operate the halls in a resource-saving manner – all of these projects can only succeed in cooperation with sponsors and the community.

BT Füchse want to develop continuously and thus signal openness and confidence in the future. This trust is an attractive basis, especially for young people, to participate and – despite the current crises – to be motivated to get involved in club life.

It is clear that top sport continues to play an important role with the foxes. The sporting goals are clearly defined by the club management and are passionately pursued. Sustainable development helps to achieve these goals and to put the association on a solid basis.

The aim is to consolidate the sports club as an essential factor in the region, which sets sporting, social and ecological impulses.

Christian Rahm: “We look to the future with optimism! Successful sport and generating social relevance with a lot of commitment – that’s handball and more!”

You can find out more about sustainability at BT Füchsen here: https://www.bt-fuechse.at/nachhaltigkeit

About sustainability expert Jörg Meixner

Jörg Meixner accompanies sports clubs on their way to sustainable development. He designs initiatives and strategies that enable sustainable teamwork and make sport fit for the future. Sustainability in sport is teamwork – athletes, clubs, sponsors and public institutions have to cooperate intensively.

More and more clubs are taking their responsibility towards the environment and society seriously – write a comment and tell us what your idea is!

More information on the topic is also available on https://www.nachhaltiger-sport.at

Text which: © LAOLA1.at

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