Home » today » World » BSP with a new face for a united left! – 2024-02-29 01:57:06

BSP with a new face for a united left! – 2024-02-29 01:57:06

/ world today news/ Will we again allow to rely on low voter turnout, shopping, negotiating and coalitions with the right in places, instead of campaigning for a clear left platform

By brazenly refusing to bear her political responsibility for turning the BSP into a crutch of the right and immediately vacating the post of chairman, Kornelia Ninova condemns not only the BSP, but also the left in Bulgaria to another catastrophic defeat in the upcoming elections! This is the height of the betrayal of this leadership not only to the cause of the left, but also to the supreme national interests of the country for the protection of Bulgaria from being drawn into the looming deadly military conflict in the Black Sea region!

The responsibility for this collapse will in no way lie with all those who have been warning for years about the destructive course of Ninova and co., namely the chairperson-usurper of power in the party and her visible and behind-the-scenes supporters!

The waltz is last! Either the BSP will say goodbye to Ninova, or the citizens will say goodbye to the BSP!

Once again, we call for a radical democratization of the BSP through a new unifying leadership, a new left platform and completely renewed candidate lists! The decisive steps for the formation of a united left front with a completely renewed BSP, capable of building a principled interaction with all left formations and movements, in order to defend the national sovereignty of Bulgaria in the current extremely critical moment for the national security of the country, as well as to guarantee a new quality of politics and activity in the 48th National Assembly!

Convening an extraordinary session of the 50th Congress within ten days to take urgent decisions on a way out of a new catastrophe for the BSP, to which Ninova and her accomplices, clinging to their posts at the cost of erasing the left in Bulgaria for years, and perhaps even decades to come, are reckless.

#BSP #face #united #left

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