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BSP demands the resignation of the Minister of Defense –

“The PG of the BSP LEFT BULGARIA insists on the resignation of Minister Nenchev and his immediate removal from the post of Minister of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria”. This was stated from the parliamentary rostrum by the deputy chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialists and spokesperson of the BSP Atanas Merdzhanov. In the words his appeal is addressed to Nenchev himself, but above all to Prime Minister Borissov and the political formations supporting the government.

“If you have at least a little sense of duty, at least a little sense of responsibility, you will support us to stop mocking the Bulgarian army and together try to deal with the consequences of the disastrous management of the sector in the last year and a half”. said Atanas Merdzhanov from the parliamentary rostrum.

“The whole world is on edge, frozen by the risks of a major military conflict. This is exactly why Bulgaria needs a worthy, solid and trust-inspiring military minister. And let each of us, with our hand on our heart, answer for ourselves – is this the kind of minister Nikolay Nenchev is?”, added the spokesperson of the BSP. In his words, with his clumsy behavior, the minister failed the last meeting of the National Security Advisory Council.

“Rosen Plevneliev, who persistently refuses to us, the BSP deputies, convened such a council on April 27, 2015. There, Nenchev had to convince us that more money is needed for defense. Despite the support from the president, he was unable to convince either us, as the opposition, or the prime minister, and it came to the absurd situation of a proposal for an increase, to reach an agreement not to reduce the budget”, recalled Merdzhanov. “Remember that instead of taking responsibility for his failure, Mr. Nenchev had organized a rally in his support – people from his party shouting ‘Well done, Nenchev!’, ‘Red rubbish!’ and ‘This is not Moscow! “. Tell me, is this decent behavior?” Merdzhanov asked.

He also recalled that in June, just a month after the unfortunate meeting, Nenchev went to a meeting of the military ministers in Brussels. At the same time, the US Secretary of Defense announced that heavy combat equipment would be deployed on the territories of Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. “Nenchev denies that he agreed to such a thing. He had spoken to the American ambassador in Sofia, she had said something, but he had not understood her. A diplomatic scandal followed, in which the government, president and minister gave explanations, and the United States ambassador left the country. Tell me, are these the positions of a solid minister in your opinion?”, the deputy chairman of the PG of the BSP asked again.

“He has proven to have lied when he claimed he was offered a bribe. Proved because an investigation was organized in the case, terminated by a deliberate decree of the prosecutor’s office, in which it is written, I quote: “The explanations given by Nikolay Nenchev in the course of the investigation were not credited as credible, since they were not confirmed by the others gathered under the data file”, continued the MP from the left. According to him, the developed ministerial imagination seems to have been not just an innocent PR stunt, but a purposeful attempt at manipulation.

“Nikolai Nenchev lied in order to convince the public that the Russian contractor of the Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for the maintenance of our aircraft, is dishonest; that he uses illegal methods and is not proper to work with. He wanted to justify his frantic desire to entrust the MIGs to another country, but not to Russia,” said Merdzhanov. He recalled that MPs, experts and pilots explained to the minister that Poland does not have a license for such repairs, that Russia will not guarantee these machines, that we risk compromising these aircraft and our exhausting combat aviation will be put on knees.

Atanas Merdzhanov noted that the dismantling of the air force, our army, our borders is not a process from today, but Minister Nenchev is determined to complete it, and the bill announced yesterday looks like the finale of a previously prepared process for granting powers of foreign forces in Bulgarian airspace. “Who needs that? After all, we have the right to defense in the event of an attack under Art. 5 of the Alliance Agreement?” asked the deputy chairman of the PG of BSP LEFT BULGARIA.

BSP is not against Bulgaria’s membership in NATO, emphasized Merdzhanov. “BSP is the party that has made the most serious contribution to our accession to the European Union. BSP is – and will remain! – firm in upholding the country’s international commitments. But in no case do they contain Bulgaria’s renunciation of its sovereign right to protect its territory on its own,” he said. In his words, Bulgaria, which until recently was proud of its air force and the feats of combat aviation, cannot allow its capabilities to be ruined because of the servitude of an unprepared minister.

According to Merdzhanov, Nenchev’s resignation is not just an excuse, but should be interpreted as a sign that the government finally realizes the complexity of the situation and that our country is ready to constructively engage in the search for solutions, not just as a “security user”. , as a recent NATO report tells us, but as a factor that, due to its geostrategic and cultural characteristics, can contribute to calming tensions. “In a word, the PG of the BSP Left Bulgaria suggests that we try to turn Bulgaria into a place for reconciliation, instead of a front line,” concluded Atanas Merdzhanov.

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