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BSP cannot be tempted with ministerial posts –

/ world today news/ Instability in the government covers the whole country.
The BSP cannot be tempted with ministerial posts on the principle of “kicking out some so that others can sit”.

“The contradictions within the ruling majority are deepening more and more. This leads to political instability within it, but it also spreads in the management of the entire country”. This was stated by the chairman of the National Assembly of the BSP, Mihail Mikov, in a statement on behalf of the PG of the BSP LEFT BULGARIA from the parliamentary rostrum. He recalled that for three months already the parties of the ruling majority have been trying to reach an agreement so that the citizens of Bulgaria know on what principles and goals the current government is built on. “It is extremely clear that it is built only on deals, on business, and now with the reduction of public procurements and their suspension, its vitality will decrease more and more,” said the leader of the left. According to him, even those who supported the parties of today’s ruling majority no longer accept his representation.

Mikov explained that BSP LEFT BULGARIA is a consistent opposition, but not as an end in itself. “We will not allow ourselves to be drawn into political combinations whose sole purpose is to strengthen the current unstable state of the ruling majority and the government in particular, because such strengthening is not in the interest of the Bulgarian citizens,” said the leader of the left. He clarified, that this will not benefit health care, mothers with children, pensioners, the demographic perspective of Bulgaria, which is becoming more and more tragic.

Mihail Mikov was adamant that no ministerial positions, such as are currently being observed in the government-supporting offices on the principle of “some are expelled so that others can sit”, will not tempt the BSP LEFT BULGARIA.

GERB admitted its failure in the presidential institution and not only

Mikov stated that GERB has admitted its failure in the presidential institution with the clear statement that this presidential couple will not be supported in the next presidential elections. He emphasized that Plevneliev is the head of state who, during his mandate, pushed the policy of one party – PP GERB, fought with the Oresharski government, brought back the law on the budget – a precedent in our recent history, brought back the law on monopolies, to protect the big retail chains. The social leader stated that, despite this, GERB says today that it will not support him and the vice president for the next term.

Mikov explained that examples of the failure of GERB are the severe EC report, the lack of action against the demographic catastrophe, the increase in municipal debts, as well as the fact that the government urgently, quietly and secretly cancels all those decisions that were presented as health reform, and the lack of results from the changes in social security that were widely circulated as a reform.

“In this situation, basic principles of the constitutional functioning of the state are increasingly being replaced. Increasingly, the instability in the ruling coalition brings to the fore the unilateral decisions of the Prime Minister”, Mikov said and emphasized that parliamentary democracy, the National Assembly and the political parties, which are engaged in the arithmetic majority to support the failed government, are losing from all this. According to him, all this becomes a threat to the normal functioning of the republic.

The full text of the declaration:

Dear Mr. President,

Dear Madam Minister,

Dear People’s Representatives,

The contradictions within the ruling majority are deepening more and more. This leads to political instability within the ruling majority, but this political instability also spreads to the governance of the entire country.

For the third month, the parties of the ruling majority are trying to reach some kind of agreement so that the citizens of Bulgaria, who voted for them, and those who did not – know the principles and goals of today’s government. Because, otherwise, it is infinitely clear that it is built only on deals, on business, and now with the reduction of public procurements and their suspension – its vitality will decrease more and more. It is obvious that the impossibility of reaching an agreement is part of that projection of non-political interests in the management of the state, non-political interests that are part of the swarming to the right, which happens outside the parliament and as the creation of new projects and formations. Because even those who supported the parties of today’s ruling majority no longer accept his representativeness.

These days it has become clear that GERB has admitted its failure in the presidential institution, with the clear statement that this presidential couple will not be supported in the next presidential elections. But somehow in passing, somehow covertly, somehow respecting the head of state, who during his mandate promoted the policy of one party – PP GERB. He fought with Oresharsky’s government, brought back the budget law – a precedent in our recent history, brought back the law on monopolies to protect the big retail chains, and today GERB say they will not support him and the vice president for another term.

Dear People’s Representatives,

These days, the EC report came out, which is extremely difficult for Bulgaria, which transfers Bulgaria from the second to the fifth group with the risks of macroeconomic imbalances, which outlines the problems of poverty, unemployment, access restrictions as extremely severe and crisis-like, which turns special attention to the problems with demography and the demographic catastrophe that developed in Bulgaria during the administration of GERB, the second cabinet “Borisov”.

The facts are clear, we have mentioned them many times. Instead of decisive actions against the demographic catastrophe, the government of Boyko Borisov, the majority in every way deflects the legislative initiatives of BSP LEFT BULGARIA, aimed at a committed state policy towards the birth and upbringing of children.

Ten days ago, our bill, which would have equalized childcare benefits with the minimum wage, was rejected again. At the same time, municipal debts are growing. The biggest debtors are the municipalities that have been managed by GERB for several terms – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas. The generated debts exceed BGN 1.2 billion, which will also be paid not only by those living in these municipalities, through an increase in the garbage fee, water costs and other communal fees, but also by all Bulgarian citizens, because this huge debt accumulates on all Bulgarian citizens.

Dear People’s Representatives,

In health care, we are witnessing that the government urgently, quietly and secretly cancels all those decisions that were presented as reform, which directly hit the Bulgarian citizen and his constitutional right to receive health care, free and accessible, when he was regular and paid your health insurance contributions. All this is now history, despite the bragging about the powerful health reform.

In the field of social security, it is obvious that the changes in social security, which were widely advertised as reform, did not lead to anything. On the contrary, for the last year the expenses of the National Institute of Social Sciences have been increased by millions. Instead of the promised effects of raising the retirement age, the exact opposite has resulted – an increase in the costs of the National Insurance Institute.

The majority of Bulgarian citizens who do not have a job today will have to wait until the age of 68 to retire. This type of legislative decision is not any reform.

Dear People’s Representatives,

In this situation, basic principles of the constitutional functioning of the state are increasingly being replaced. Increasingly, the instability in the ruling coalition brings to the fore the unilateral decisions of the Prime Minister. He suspends public procurement, suspends laws and initiates changes to newly adopted laws, but all this loses parliamentary democracy, loses the National Assembly, loses the most the political parties that are engaged in the arithmetic majority to support the failed government.

If this line continues, the risks to the one-man power in Bulgaria increase in conditions of economic deficit, poverty, marginalization, changes in education, chaos in management and one-man decisions that today support camping, tomorrow cancel camping, today release public procurement , tomorrow they are stopped, they become a threat to the normal functioning of the republic.

Dear People’s Representatives,

We from the BSP LEFT BULGARIA have been a consistent opposition. Opposition not as an end in itself, we have supported a number of decisions that we think are reasonable and that benefit the country. But we will not allow ourselves to be drawn into political combinations, the sole purpose of which is to strengthen today’s unstable state of the ruling majority and the government in particular, because such strengthening is not in the interest of the Bulgarian citizens, it is not in the interest of health care, of mothers with the children, it is not in favor of pensioners, it is not in favor of the demographic perspective of Bulgaria, which is becoming more and more tragic.

We will continue to be a consistent opposition when right-wing decisions are made, directed against the interests of the majority of Bulgarian citizens. No temptations for ministerial positions, such as are currently observed in the government-supporting offices – to expel some to seat others, cannot tempt the BSP LEFT BULGARIA.


the city of Sofia

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