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Brutal gang rape of a 16-year-old girl. Protests in Israel

Israeli police arrested seven more people on Sunday, August 23 in connection with the gang rape of a sixteen-year-old, which shocked national public opinion. Thousands of Israelis went on strike to protest violence against women; Further demonstrations are announced.

The case caused a special stir in recent days after the publication of the details of the testimony, which showed that at least a dozen men were queuing in front of the drunk girl’s hotel room, waiting their turn to rape her. This was confirmed by recordings from hotel cameras secured by the police.

So far, a total of 11 people have been arrested on suspicion of direct involvement in the alleged rape, nine of whom are minors.

In addition, on Sunday the manager of the hotel where the assault was alleged to have occurred was arrested on charges of not preventing the crime and obstructing the investigation.

A high-ranking police officer told Keszet 12 that investigators had materials that confirmed the version of the 16-year-old victim. The evidence is supposed to show that the assault continued over a long period of time. “This is a shocking rape that lasted for hours,” he noted.

Investigators believe that the number of attackers was probably double-digit – reported the portal Wall !. Initial reports indicated that the number was as high as 30, but the girl’s lawyer informed the media that the number was not from her client and was questioned.

Thousands of Israelis went on strike Sunday at noon to protest against sexual violence against women, and many well-known companies and organizations have supported the initiative, including municipalities and corporations such as Microsoft Israel.

“I call on all public institutions in Israel to join this important protest. It is in our hands,” Yitzhak Hercog, head of the Jewish Agency for immigration to Israel, wrote on Twitter.

In addition, street protests – of which the Maariw daily reports more than 20 across the country on Sunday – are expected to resume tonight after hundreds of people demonstrated the day before.

The demonstrators, mostly dressed in red, demand, inter alia, an increase in the budget for programs to combat violence against women, changes in the justice system and better medical support for victims of sexual assault.

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