Home » today » Entertainment » Brutal Attacks and Sexual Assaults by Tunisians in Regensburg Restaurant Leads to Arrests: Task Force’s Success

Brutal Attacks and Sexual Assaults by Tunisians in Regensburg Restaurant Leads to Arrests: Task Force’s Success

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After the brutal attacks and sexual assaults by three Tunisians last New Year’s Eve in the Regensburg restaurant “Hemmingway’s (Oberen Bachgasse), the newly founded “Task Force Intensive Offenders” of the police and public prosecutor’s office can claim a great success. Based on photo and video recordings (see original video below) from a courageous witness who was also attacked by the Tunisians, the three urgent suspects aged 31 to 38 have now been arrested and are in custody. The access was preceded by extensive investigative work, in which the police’s new biometric recognition software was also used. During their attack on peaceful guests and the Hemmingway’s serving staff, the three arrested violent criminals critically injured one person with a broken beer bottle.

The three detainees are charged with other serious crimes. Charges will soon be brought against her in the Regensburg district court. It remains to be seen whether the encouraging determination shown by the police and public prosecutor’s office to finally put a stop to migrant crime in Regensburg will also be supported by the Regensburg courts with a quick and harsh sentence of the perpetrators. We will report!


This video went viral nationwide and led to the arrest of the Tunisian perpetrators.
Video: © private
2024-02-23 20:43:25
#BREAKING #NEWS #Success #Regensburg #Task #Force #Intensive #Offenders #potential #Tunisian #violent #criminals #custody

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