Home » today » News » Brutal attack: a bull terrier tore the cheek of a 5-year-old girl in London

Brutal attack: a bull terrier tore the cheek of a 5-year-old girl in London

A smalleronly five years, was left with a disfigured face after the dog one of her neighbors attacked her and tore off a piece of her cheek. The events happened in a house in South London, when the little girl was playing with some friends outside the house and her neighbor’s pet, a Bull terrierHe decided to brutally attack her.

According to the testimony of the mother, the minor he had to undergo three surgeries to reconstruct his face, but it is estimated that he will still have to go to the operating room on future occasions, this is because the dog has torn a piece of his face. The attack took place at 5pm on September 25th and since then the little struggle to recover the face.

She was attacked by her neighbor’s pet. Photo: special.

As an account of the attack, the girl’s mother explained that her daughter was playing in the garden of her housein the company of her nine-year-old sister Amelia, when the animal approached and jumped without muzzle or leash Against the minors, the victim’s sister and another of the children managed to escape by climbing a wall, but Elsie fell and the animal bit her face.

Elsie, Kirsty, 29, mother of the attacked minor, commented that she was observing the girls from inside when the terrorist attack happened and that as soon as she noticed the attack she ran to help her daughter, however, the dog. that I had already ripped off part of his face. The woman added that since the accident the girl is no longer the same as before. “She doesn’t want to go out, especially on public transport because she doesn’t want people to look at her. “She said.

The minor was unable to recover her face. Photo: BPM

In her own words, the victim’s mother assured that her daughter’s face was disfigured, a situation that saddens the child: “She hasn’t been back to school since then because she doesn’t want her friends to see her like that”, revealed the girl. woman. . . She added it when she stopped the animal’s aggression “there was blood all over and part of his face was open, a piece was hanging from his cheek and you could see the inside of his nose through the bridge of his nose”.

After the attack of the animal, the carabinieri recovered the dog and placed another belonging to the same neighbor under surveillance. A 56-year-old woman was interviewed for the pet attack on Tuesday, but no arrests were made. Finally, authorities commented that they are trying to move Elsie and her family to another home, but in the meantime, investigations into the assault continue.


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