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Brussels Sprouts: The Ultimate Weight Loss Superfood

Summer is the time for vacations, vacations and the desire to show off your figure. Of course, it is better to think about the correct proportions of the body in advance. Nevertheless, the factor of healthy nutrition, which contributes to the attractive appearance of a person, is relevant at any time. What is better to eat for those who want to lose a couple of extra pounds?

As told to the publication “MedicForum” nutritionist Igor Strokov, Brussels sprouts will be one of the faithful assistants of all those who lose weight. Considering that the process of achieving such a goal requires certain gastronomic sacrifices and the refusal or minimum consumption of certain foods, this vegetable crop will be the best source of replenishing the deficiency of trace elements and vitamins. In addition, one of the main benefits of Brussels sprouts is the minimum number of calories. Finally, this vegetable also has healing properties, because it contains substances that counteract cancer cells.

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2023-07-22 20:00:14

#Named #vegetable #weight #loss

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