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Brussels, Namur, Liège, the Coast …: places where the mask is compulsory

At the end of Thursday’s National Security Council, wearing a mask was made compulsory in shopping streets and busy places.

COn Thursday, the National Security Council took the decision to make the wearing of a mask compulsory in shopping streets and busy places throughout the country. It was up to the burgomasters to define the aforementioned streets and the aforementioned high-traffic areas.


In Brussels, the wearing of the mask will be compulsory from Monday, July 27, on three commercial arteries of the City of Brussels namely the pedestrian, rue Neuve, and rue Marie-Christine, in Laeken, said Thursday evening the Mayor of the City Philippe Close (PS). Wearing a mask is also mandatory in all markets, flea markets and funfair including the Foire du Midi, he confirmed, in the wake of the announcements of the National Security Council and the discussions held in the wake at the Regional Security Council (CoReS).


In Namur, the mask is imposed from this Thursday on the entire fairground. It will also be available from 5 p.m. on Friday at Place du Vieux, Place Chanoine Descamps and on the Quais de Sambre. These are very popular places, in particular by young people aged 20 to 30, “the age group where the virus has progressed the most recently,” said the mayor. From Saturday and until further notice, the obligation will be extended to the quays of Meuse and to l’Enjambée. Rue Saint-Jean, Rue des Frippiers and Rue de la Halle are also affected given their narrowness. In addition, wearing a mask will now be compulsory every Saturday throughout the city center, but also avenue Materne in Jambes and rue Patenier in Salzinnes.


In Liège, the mayor, Willy Demeyer wants to make it compulsory to wear a mask in heavily commercial streets (a measure already compulsory at the national level announced yesterday by the CNS), especially in the pedestrian hyper-center, his cabinet indicated on Thursday. Controls will also be stepped up in busy places.


In Charleroi, wearing a mask will be compulsory from Saturday throughout the city center, in commercial areas and in their car parks, during any gathering of more than 15 people as well as in all playgrounds and playgrounds.

The Coast

In the wake of the decision taken by the CNS, four municipalities on the Belgian Coast: Blankenberge, Nieuwpoort, Zeebruges and De Haan had decided to make mouth protection compulsory on the dike. On Friday, the governor of the province Carl Decaluwé (CD&V) decided to extend this obligation to all the municipalities of the coast. The rule is now provincial.

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