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Brussels MEP Emin Özkara leaves PS group: “His departure is not surprising”

The departure of Emin Özkara from the PS group in the Brussels parliament did not surprise the head of the socialist group, Ridouane Chahid.

Questioned by Belga, he recalled Sunday that the towel has been burning with the now independent MP since the end of the election campaign and suggested that it had basically, no connection with the exclusion of Emir Kir by the vigilance commission.

At the end of last April, the police descended on the premises of the PS group of the Brussels parliament following a complaint by Emin Özkara for “burglary of his office”. The PS group had seen accusations fueled by the structure Transparencia, very up against one of the multiple provisions of the draft ordinance of the Brussels government on the transparency of the administration then at the end of parliamentary process. The provision in question requires providing a copy of his identity card for each request for access to an administrative document if it is not made by a lawyer.

The association had indicated that as a co-author of a proposed amendment to withdraw this measure, Emin Özkara had been the subject of internal intimations and that his office of deputy had been robbed.

The socialist group had then denounced “fanciful accusations and unacceptable harassment practices” by the association and said that it had taken note “with amazement of the accusations” of the latter concerning “a supposed break-in in the office of ‘a PS deputy “.

The socialist group had judged that the charges against him were “either pure invention or slander”.

Reporting pressure and intimidation against political staff, collaborators and parliamentary services making it impossible to hold a peaceful democratic debate, he then reported on the insults and jostling, on the premises of their parliamentary group, of which a deputy and a collaborator had been victims, under the eyes of the police “.

The former head of the group Caroline Désir has since filed a complaint against the party’s vigilance committee against Emin Özkara, whose situation was still to be examined by the latter, the current PS group chief, Ridouane Chaïd, said on Sunday.

“Emin Özkara no longer participated in the activities of the Socialist Group. His departure is not surprising since we no longer had anything in common since the last election campaign”, he commented, implying that on the merits, his departure has nothing to do with the exclusion of Emir Kir.

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