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“Brussels and Washington pressure GERB-PP for government formation and constitutional changes”

news/2023/05/25/168502698086176.jpg?resize=900%2C675&ssl=1" width="900" height="675" layout="responsive" alt="Зверски натиск от Брюксел и Вашингтон за правителство ГЕРБ-ПП">

GERB will have only one representative in the cabinet – Maria Gabriel, Borisov has asked for three more ministerial seats, but Kiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev are pulling, for now

The leaders of GERB and PP-DB are under “brutal pressure from outside” to form a government with the second term, claims the site Epicenter.bg.

Our Euro-Atlantic partners were not at all excited by the fact that “rotational government” is not accepted by the electorates of the two political forces, which were the fiercest opponents in the election campaign. In Brussels and in Washington, they wanted at all costs to see the PP in the government, to change the Constitution in the part about the judicial system and to accept Krum Zarkov’s bills on the mechanism for investigating the chief prosecutor, called by Borisov “Krum’s laws”. From Brussels, they also pushed for a quick replacement of the chief prosecutor with a “more suitable” one in order to basically purge the BG elite on the Romanian model.

Maria Gabriel was heavily influenced by European leaders to accept without question all the ideas and requests of the PP for general management, diplomatic sources told our media.

Gabriel even had to listen to a threatening tirade from French President Emmanuel Macron, who assessed Kiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev as “Bulgaria’s political angels”, participants in the negotiation team said.

Borisov was threatened with a new “Magnitsky”, with the suspension of European money and all kinds of European sanctions, if he did not enter into a ruling alliance with the PP and a majority was not secured to change the Constitution.

The leader of GERB actually finds himself in a heavy vise – on the one hand threats from Brussels, on the other – a rebellion in his party because of the agreement with PP.

That’s why Borisov ordered his deputies to humble themselves and not interfere in the order of the cabinet. He asked for three ministers, but Kiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev categorically refused him.
At the same time, Kiril Petkov’s father pushed protégés into the office, such as Kiril Vatev, who was announced as Minister of Agriculture.

To the disgruntled deputies in GERB, who threaten not to vote for a government with PP, Borisov replied – there are 240 more parties, you leave GERB and go wherever you want!

2023-05-25 19:07:30

#Brutal #pressure #Brussels #Washington #GERBPP #government

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