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Bruno Hourcade (Les Traîtres) reveals the unexpected show he would like to participate in

After having been for a long time the greatest champion of 12 noon strikesBruno Hourcade has decided to take on a new challenge: winning the third season of the show The Traitorsbroadcast on M6 since August 15. Questioned by TV 7 daysBruno revealed which other game he would like to participate in.

The third season of Traitors is launched! On August 15, M6 has unveiled the first two episodes of its manipulation and strategy game. The opportunity to discover the twenty new personalities who have agreed to participate in this unique adventure. Among them, we find Layla Meignan, Crazy Sally, Sophie Tellier, Laurent Ruquier, Hugo Manos, Stomy Bugsy, Valérie Trierweiler, Azzedine Ahmed, Carla Lazzari, Frédérique, Studio Danielle and the champion of 12 noon strikes Bruno Hourcade.

Before Emilien’s arrival, Bruno held the record for the most wins in the game hosted by Jean-Luc Reichmann. Far from being bitter, the champion confided that he had taken Emilien’s rise very well. “I saw it coming. I was psychologically prepared for him to overtake me. When it happened, I experienced it very, very well. And being second in a TV game show, there are worse things in life. You would have to have an incredible ego to say that I am disgusted.”Bruno confided during an interview with Tele-Leisure.

This show in which Bruno Hourcade would like to participate

Asked by TV 7 daysBruno Hourcade explained the reasons which pushed him to participate in the third season of Traitors.The game mechanics are still awesome though. And then above all, there is not this reality TV aspect, that is to say that we have our moments off, there is not one person who takes slaps to cause clashes, no one gets into a relationship, etc.”he said, before revealing which other game he would like to participate in.

“I don’t know because the mechanics are so particular here, with the Traitors. I don’t really know in which other game I could find this mechanic. The confinement, the eliminations, therefore the fear of leaving, etc., but all while having the benevolence, the team spirit aspect that is created… I admit… maybe I would like to participate in Koh-Lantahe explained. “But they don’t do a semi-celebrity version (laughs). Maybe they’ll do a semi-celebrity version (laughs), if so, I’m in.”he added. The message got through.

Bruno Fourcade

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