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Bruno de Carvalho breaks up and returns to his parents’ home – a Boil

Bruno de Carvalho revealed on social media that he is enjoying the month of August for a vacation with his daughters in the Algarve. Out of this rest was the young woman with whom the former president of Sporting had been dating for over a year, confirming the information to which ‘Vidas’ had access that Bruno is single again. “He lived with his girlfriend at her house, but the relationship ended and he is temporarily at his parents’ house until he finds a more definitive solution“, says a source close to the ex-sportinguista president, adding that the decision of the separation came from Bruno and left the companion of tracks and with a sense of injustice.”The truth is that she was with Bruno in bad times and supported him when he needed it most and now he turned his back on him. It is very sad.

In the last year, Bruno de Carvalho’s life took a turn for the worse with some unpleasantness and good points. The greatest victory was celebrated by the former Sporting director with great satisfaction. After several months of being prevented from seeing his youngest daughter, due to a strained relationship with ex-wife Joana Ornelas, Bruno, 48, obtained in court the right to be with little Leonor, now over one year old. The custody of the baby remains with the former companion, but the ex-president of Sporting spends alternate weekends with his daughter and now a vacation. “The relationship with Joana is just cordial, they speak what is strictly necessary because of their daughter and nothing more, but for Bruno it is already a victory to be able to be with his daughter“says the source.

However, Bruno de Carvalho does not get rid of the controversies, and at family level he once again led a war, this time with his sister, Alexandra, who was his right-hand man during all the judicial battles that Bruno fought. “They have been angry for about a year. The people closest to Bruno do everything to support him and then feel that he turns his back on them when he no longer needs them. The first to feel this was the sister. She was always beside him and now she is sad and hurt that things have reached this point.

Life without luxuries
What is certain is that since he left the presidency of Sporting and added controversies that Bruno de Carvalho was forced to change his lifestyle radically. At the time, he paid a security deposit of 70 thousand euros (which he recovered a few months ago) to await a free trial in the case of the Alcochete Academy, had to rent the luxury house where he lived in Lumiar and started to live with his girlfriend in the area from Cascais, and traveling in his companion’s car.
Now, according to friends, he is trying to regain part of that lavish lifestyle, although he remains without work and without fixed income. “He went on vacation to the Algarve and, after being in the cesspool, he is trying to get up, little by little.

Again single, some say that the former president of the lions will be able to try a rapprochement with Joana Ornelas, a woman he never forgot. “The marriage with Joana is over, but for him it is a matter that has never been completely resolved because the separation happened at a very confused and controversial time in his life. Some say he still likes her. He is now single and available. Let’s see what the future holds“says another source.

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