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Bruno Bonnell will be the leader of the LaREM list in the regional elections

The deputy for Rhône officially announced this Friday that he had been chosen to be the leader of the LaREM list.

Rhône deputy Bruno Bonnell will be a candidate in regional elections in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The elected representative of the presidential majority affirmed it on the France 3 plateau this Friday before making it official on Twitter.

“I am honored to have been chosen as leader for the AURALP list which wishes to unite the progressive forces for the coming regional elections”, affirmed the deputy who says he wants to present “an ambitious project for our region, unifier and of collective rebound “.

“The current team in the region has favored the rational over the emotion, the efficient over the vision, the privilege of unity between the different departments. We want to rebuild a new regional prosperity with a sharing of value between all its territories, “continued Bruno Bonnell.

A difficult campaign

At the end of January, a leader of the presidential party explained that it was necessary “a voice that unites” to justify the choice of Bruno Bonnell, who received the support of two ministers: Olivier Véran, elected in Isère and Olivier Dussopt, who is coming of the Ardèche.

“The two men, we assured at LaREM, will be available to” give a helping hand “for the campaign, which promises to be difficult. According to an Ifop poll unveiled on November 26 by Lyon Capital, Laurent Wauquiez would be widely re-elected at the head of the region. Whatever the case, the elected LR also collected 31% of the votes in the first round.

Far away in metropolitan elections

This designation does not also make people happy within LaREM. In particular the deputy LaREM of Ain Olga Givernet, whose name had also circulated.

“Hopefully he does a little more than metropolitan and does not campaign with his Mercedes and his driver”, warned at the end of January a part of the movement, who considers the character too “caricature”.

During the last metropolitan elections in Lyon in 2020, the list led by Bruno Bonnell obtained only 8.7% of the votes behind the dissenting Macronist list and those on the left.

Benjamin Rieth Journalist BFM Regions

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