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Brugg: Residents’ council approves area planning


The goal is an attractive center: the residents’ council gives the green light for area development

On Friday evening, the Brugg Residents’ Council approved the next steps in the “Regional development of the Brugg Windisch railway station urban area” project.

A new, lively quarter is to be gradually built in the center around the train station.

mhu (June 25, 2021)

There was talk of a unique opportunity in the Brugger Residents’ Council, of great potential: the project “Development of the urban area for the Brugg Windisch railway station” led to a lively discussion on Friday evening.

The three-phase planning and – with 37 votes to 9 – the loan of 60,000 francs were finally accepted. The SP’s supplementary motion to revise and expand the traffic concept with an extension of the tunnel to the connection to the southwest bypass was also approved with 27 to 19 votes.

A new, lively quarter with up to 2,000 residents and 3,000 jobs is to be gradually built in the center. “Let’s develop this lighthouse project together,” said Jürg Hunziker (FDP). His party colleague Willi Wengi agreed: “We have to think about the future.”

Julia Geissmann (Die Mitte) stated that it was right to proceed in a coordinated and step-by-step manner. She considered it important that industrial use should not be made more difficult.

Participation is a key concern for them

Pascal Ammann (SP) and Thomas Gremminger (Greens) wanted participation that would do justice to this task. They are also committed to ensuring that non-motorized traffic is given a central role. Markus Lang (GLP) also called for all steps to be transparent. He made a few question marks about the open lines of the national thoroughfare.

Stefan Baumann (SVP) made such a thing for population growth. The city council was apparently not interested in the quality of life of the population, he noted. The SVP rejects the proposal – “a planning monster” – with all clarity.

The financial strategy is to be presented in autumn

The residents’ council approved the 2020 bill without dissenting votes. This closed with a profit of almost CHF 2 million. A minus of a little more than half a million Swiss francs was budgeted. With a view to the upholstery of the city, the fortune of around 97 million francs, Yves Gärtner (Greens) and David Hunziker (SP) demanded that the city invest the money in the quality of life, offer something to the population and give it back.

Angelika Curti (Die Mitte), Titus Meier (FDP) and Doris Erhardt (EPP) are waiting eagerly and with interest for the financial strategy that the city council has promised. Vice-Captain Leo Geissmann (Die Mitte) pointed out that external support was called in for the financial strategy. Basics and suggestions are available. The city council has not yet made a decision on how the elaboration will be carried out in detail. It is now going into finalization. The financial strategy is to be presented at the budget meeting in autumn.

Clear yes to the new management structure of the elementary school

The 48 residents ‘councils present – out of a total of 50 residents’ councils – approved all naturalizations without discussion. With a majority, the new management structure of the Brugg elementary school was still undisputed: with the increase in the workload for the school administration by 80% and the school management by 30%, the annually recurring loan of currently 123,000 francs, the one-off loan of 15,000 Franconia as well as the changes to the regulations on the Brugg Music School for the beginning of 2022.

Miro Barp’s (SVP) rejection motion had no chance – with 8 to 38 votes. He called for the number of school administrators to be reduced and for the creation of the pedagogical department to be abandoned. According to his criticism, the report only includes increases in workloads that are necessary because of the abolition of school maintenance. The amendment by Livia Gärtner (Greens) was also rejected – with 17 to 26 votes in favor. She advocated that an evaluation of the percentage of jobs be carried out after the cantonal resource allocation was determined.

The 2020 annual report on “Effect-oriented management in the fire brigade” was noted with approval – with much praise.

At an advanced hour shortly before 11 p.m., the transfer of the Brugg City Library to the city administration and the move to the temporary location in Effingerhof were finally done. The remaining agenda items will be dealt with at the next meeting on September 3rd.

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