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Brother’s Day: Why is it celebrated today, September 5?

Brother’s Day is celebrated on September 5th around the world (Illustrative Image Infobae)

World Brothers’ Day is celebrated globally every September 5th, in honor of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. This event recognizes the importance of solidarity and companionship in the family, extending the concept of brotherhood beyond consanguinity to include those considered soul brothers. This date seeks to replicate the purity and authenticity of fraternal feelings and has a spiritual tone derived from the figure of the famous saint.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who died on 5 September 1997 at the age of 87, is remembered not only for her charitable services but also for the two miracles attributed to her intercession, which contributed to her canonisation by Pope Francis in 2016. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whose secular name was Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, was born in 1910 in Skopje, was an Albanian nun who dedicated her life to the service of the poor and sick.

In 1950, she founded the Missionaries of Charity in India, focusing on helping the most disadvantaged, such as the terminally ill and orphans. Her dedication made her a worldwide symbol of compassion and altruism. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work. Her congregation continues to help those in need in more than 130 countries, keeping her legacy of love and service alive.

In Argentina, Brother’s Day is also celebrated on March 4 (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In Argentina, Brother’s Day is also celebrated on March 4. Although it is not commemorated in the country for any specific event, National Brother’s Day is celebrated in March by tradition and for commercial purposes, with a purpose similar to that of the international day.

However, on an international level, the choice of September 5 strengthens the spiritual connection and legacy of Mother Teresa. This celebration is a valuable opportunity to highlight and reinforce fraternal ties. Brotherhood is defined not only by genetics, but also by the emotional and spiritual bonds that are established with other people throughout life. In this sense, the importance of siblings goes beyond biology and becomes an emotional and moral support that strengthens the family and social structure.

Below are some phrases to send via WhatsApp and celebrate with those we love the most, whether they are blood or soul brothers:

  • Thank you for being my constant support at every moment.
  • You are the person who has always been by my side, no matter what happens.
  • There is no better accomplice than you, and I value that very much.
  • Every memory together is a treasure that I will always keep.
  • Having you as a brother has been one of the best things in my life.
  • I will never stop thanking you for all the times you helped me.
  • You are my friend and my brother, an unbeatable combination.
  • Life would be very different without you by my side.
  • Despite the fights, I always consider you my greatest ally.
  • You inspire me more than you can imagine.
  • By your side, difficult moments become more bearable.
  • Thank you for sharing so many unforgettable moments with me.
  • There is no one like you to understand me without saying a word.
  • Every adventure with you becomes an epic story.
  • Even though I don’t say it often, I love you very much.
  • Let’s continue building memories that will last a lifetime.
  • You are one of the most important people in my world.
  • I can’t imagine my life without our laughter and complicity.
  • Having a brother like you is a privilege.
  • By your side, life is more fun and exciting.
  • Even if we take different paths, you will always be my reference.
  • You are the person I can always trust without a doubt.
  • Sharing life with you has been a blessing.
  • I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in this life.
  • By your side, life is much easier to lead.
  • You are my example and my daily inspiration.
  • No matter the distance, I always carry you in my heart.
  • Every conversation with you fills me with energy.
  • I wouldn’t change anything we’ve experienced together.
  • You are that person who always manages to make me smile.
  • I am grateful for every day we shared since we were children.
  • Thank you for being my protector and my unconditional friend.
  • The best memories of my life always have something of you in them.
  • You are my rock, my strength and my greatest support.
  • Even if we argue, I know I can always count on you.
  • You are the reflection of everything that true brotherhood means.
  • Sharing life with you has been a true gift.
  • I admire you more than words can express.
  • By your side I have learned the true value of family.
  • Let’s keep creating stories that we can remember together.
  • There is nothing more valuable than our unbreakable bond.
  • You are my greatest ally in this adventure we call life.
  • Thank you for being the person who is always there when I need you the most.
  • With you by my side, everything seems easier.
  • I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner.
  • By your side, even the grayest days are filled with light.
  • You are my anchor and my reason to keep going in difficult times.
  • Every lesson you have given me is invaluable to me.
  • Having you in my life reminds me how lucky I am.
  • Thank you for being the brother who always pushes me to be better.

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