Jakarta –
Perpetrator carok The deaths with the initials H (39) and M (30) who killed 4 people in Bumi Anyar Village, Tanjung Bumi District, Bangkalan, turned out to be two brothers. The perpetrators were brothers and sisters from Bumi Anyar Village, Tanjung Bumi District, Bangkalan.
“They are brothers and sisters,” said Bangkalan Police Chief AKBP Febri Isman Jaya during a press conference at his office, as reported by detikJatimSunday (14/1/2024).
Febri said the incident started when H was about to leave for the tahlilan. Then on the side of the road, H met an MTA victim who was speeding on a motorbike and the motorbike’s lights were shining in H’s direction.
“The motive was because he was offended. So the perpetrator reprimanded the victim, but the victim did not accept it and challenged the perpetrator back,” he added.
Febri explained that initially H was only reprimanding the victim alone. Febri said that the victim, who was riding in a car and carrying a sickle, immediately stopped and cursed at H. In fact, he even hit and challenged the perpetrator to a duel.
“Feeling challenged, the perpetrator went home to take a sickle, on the way he met his brother, the perpetrator asked his brother to take two sickles to return to the scene of the crime,” he said.
2024-01-14 06:55:49
#perpetrators #deadly #carok #killed #people #Bangkalan #turned #brothers #sisters