forward.ana patricia: tenants of thehealthy bronx to strike to leaveto pay the rent of theirhouses because they say thatThey have been in the service ofgas but how do you explaindamaris ías this does not wantsay they can forget aboutpay the rent.damaris: the tenantssoutheast deis in the bronx isanwithout gas to cook and althoughsounds amazing you are onesituation that they have had toendure for the last 10years, here at 33 street150 and after several promises thatthey were never fulfilled, they are alreadytired of living there andgenerating it to prepare theirfood, that’s why you giveorganize and advertiseintention to start a strikerent if notreset the gas on thisbuilding before the end of the monthof April.we have been buying theelectric grills, buyinggas, electric stoves orelectric grills andbuying prepared food.we all know the danger butwe need to eat.this building also hasa 190 ode violationof housing, so thetenants are filinga request for reduction ofrent for servicesreduced and ask theirelected leaders to interveneto facilitate repairs.under the law tenantshave the right to declareon strike and retain the do of therent when ownerrefuses to donecessary repairs.It is important to note that astrike of this typemeans that the tenantsstop paying rentrent money in ashared bank account withother tenants througha tenant association orwith an attorney on an accountdeposit and guarantee.will be deposited in aaccount and until they are doneall the arrangements and what isneed to do thendeposit the rent.damaris: our teamnews univision 41 contactbut no boy received oneanswer.if you are in asimilar situation scan theode that appears on yourscreen and we will explainyour rights as a tenant.