André de la Porte has a suspicion why such a thing happens. “If the sale takes place within the own circuit, two brokers will make a profit. The buyer without a purchasing agent disrupts that train. ”
Another common complaint is that a verbal agreement suddenly turns out not to be so hard. “Then the buyer receives a message just before signing that someone has made an offer after all. People who report to us about this sometimes also doubt whether that is really the case. ” Also, some brokers would only pass on bids from clients of befriended brokers.
The VEH hopes with the reporting point ( to gain a better insight into possible abuses. Everyone can confidentially report their own experiences about unfair practices when buying or selling a home.
“It is not our intention to shame real estate agents by name,” says André de la Porte. “Real estate companies often also have several offices. If one broker out there rides a skate skate, it doesn’t mean everyone is wrong. Sometimes it is not the brokers who do it, but the buyer or seller themselves. ”
The problems have become more acute due to the scarcity on the housing market. Most of the homes are sold above the asking price.
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