Home » today » Entertainment » “Brocéliande” on TF1 with Nolwenn Leroy is ahead (again) of “Love is in the Meadow” on M6

“Brocéliande” on TF1 with Nolwenn Leroy is ahead (again) of “Love is in the Meadow” on M6

Stephane Grangier / LES FILMS DU PRINTEMPS / SHINE FICTION / TF1 Nolwenn Leroy and Marie-Anne Chazel are on the bill for “Brocéliande”, the new mini-series on TF1.


Nolwenn Leroy and Marie-Anne Chazel are on the bill for “Brocéliande”, the new mini-series on TF1.

TELEVISION – Are the French more fond of detective stories than love stories? This is in any case what the television audiences of Monday, September 23 suggest. Broceliandethe mini-series with Nolwenn Leroy broadcast on TFI since the start of the school year, has once again surpassed Love is in the meadow on M6.

For its second week on television, with episodes 3 and 4, the police series brought together 4.593 million viewers in the evening according to figures from Médiamétrie, compared to 4.007 million for the reality TV show on the competing channel with Karine Le Marchand. TF1 thus confirms the good start of Broceliandewhich was already leading the ratings for its launch last Monday, September 16.

The Franco-Belgian fiction, filmed in the mythical Paimpont forest in Brittany, had an average of 4.20 million viewers between 9:11 p.m. and 11:09 p.m., according to Médiamétrie. Season 19 of Love is in the meadow was already in second place, with 3.79 million viewers between 9:13 p.m. and 9:54 p.m.

A successful bet for TF1which has long been trying to gain audience share from the flagship show M6 with Karine Le Marchand. Before the broadcast of the first episode, a framework of TF1 had even confided to Puremedias.com : « We tried everything against Love is in the meadow. Nothing has worked so far, but we can’t let ourselves be crushed every year from the end of August to December.”

TF1 takes up its challenge, but not on the target audience

Previous series TF1as The replacement with JoeyStarr or even Clemhad failed to outpace farmers looking for love on M6The chain finally seems to have found the right formula to beat its competitor.

Broceliandeoriginally broadcast in Belgium in spring 2024, follows the character of Fanny Legof who returns to Brittany to investigate the unexplained disappearance of her best friend twenty years earlier. Singer Nolwenn Leroy plays opposite Marie-Anne Chazel and Thomas Jouannet, two series regulars TF1.

Despite this successful start, Broceliande is still less popular than Love is in the meadow by the preferred target of advertisers: women responsible for purchases aged under fifty (FRDA-50).

The series captured 24.6% of FRDA-50 on Monday, September 23, and 24.9% last week, according to Puremedias.com. Love is in the meadow remains in the lead with this audience with 30.3% of FRDA-50 this week and 27.4% the previous week. After 19 seasons of farm romance, including 15 presented by Karine Le Marchand, Nolwenn Leroy still has to prove herself to convince the target viewers.

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