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Broadcasters adjust programming because of speech Mark Rutte | NOW

Several broadcasters adjust their programming on Monday evening due to the corona virus. Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s speech at 7 p.m. ensures that The world moves on starts at 7:20 pm, twenty minutes later than usual.

Also RTL Boulevard, which normally starts at 6:30 PM, changes broadcast times because of the speech in which the Prime Minister addresses the country live. The entertainment program on RTL 4 starts at 5 p.m. and is entirely devoted to the corona virus.

Earlier was also announced that the RTL programs Coffee time and 5 Hours Live stop making live broadcasts for now. The Coffee timepresenters, including Quinty Trustfull, open the program from home. Repeats are then shown.

Rutte’s speech can be seen live on NPO1, RTL 4 and SBS6. In addition, the speech can be heard via Radio 538, Radio 10 and Radio Veronica, among others. The Prime Minister will, according to the Government Information Service (RVD), “address the difficult situation we are in, the necessity of the measures that have been taken and the possible further developments in the coming weeks and months”.

Follow the latest developments around the virus in us live blog.

The coronavirus in short

  • The coronavirus mainly spreads through sneezes and cough drops. The virus can be transmitted directly from person to person or (for a limited time) through surfaces such as door handles.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. Precautions are necessary to contain this.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) complaints.
  • Nearly all deaths involve the elderly or other frail, such as heart, lung or diabetes patients. If everyone complies with the measures, this reduces their risks.
  • Read here what precautions you should take.

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