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Broadcaster Park Soo-hong’s Testimony Disputes Allegations of Embezzlement in Brother’s Trial

Money Today Reporter Chae Tae-byeong | 2023.10.23 06:19

Broadcaster Park Soo-hong is appearing as a witness at the fourth trial of his older brother, Mr. Park, and his spouse, Mr. Lee, who were indicted on charges of violating the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes (embezzlement) at the Seoul Western District Court in Mapo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th. 2023.3.15/News 1 It was claimed that the statement made by broadcaster Park Soo-hong’s mother in court, saying, “My son arbitrarily handed over an apartment worth 2 billion won in which I had a stake to my wife,” was not true.

Lee Jin-ho, a former entertainment reporter, said in a video on his YouTube channel on the 22nd, “I verified whether what Park Soo-hong’s mother claimed in court was true.”

Previously, Park Soo-hong’s parents attended the trial of Park Soo-hong’s older brother and his wife held at the Seoul Western District Court on the 13th. At this event, Park Soo-hong’s mother said, “My son handed over an apartment worth 2 billion won to Kim Da-ye (Park Soo-hong’s wife),” “It was a house where I had a 3% stake, but they took my seal and handed it over as they wanted,” and “They will take all my son’s money.” claimed, etc.

Jin-ho Lee said, “The apartment that Park Soo-hong’s mother is talking about is located in Mapo-gu, Seoul. Park Soo-hong purchased this house in 2011. At that time, this apartment was designated as a welfare home for the elderly.”

He added, “In order to buy a house, a person over the age of 65 had to have a stake. However, at the time, the purchaser was not Park Soo-hong, but his older brother. Park Soo-hong did not know the details of the purchase.”

He continued, “Park Soo-hong’s mother owned a 5% stake in the apartment,” and “But in the end, this was also a share purchased with Park Soo-hong’s money, and because her mother knew this, she gave the seal and seal certificate (to Park Soo-hong).”

“They said the apartment was worth 2 billion won, but this could be misunderstood as the price at the time of sale,” he said. “When Soo-hong Park handed over the apartment to his wife, the sale price was 1.25 billion won. Park Soo-hong sold the apartment to Da-ye Kim in August 2020, before registering his marriage. “I did it,” he explained.

Jin-ho Lee said, “The result is recorded as a sale, which means that the suspicion that Park Soo-hong gave (the apartment) to Kim Da-ye as a gift is not true.” He added, “At the time, Park Soo-hong owned a total of three houses. At that time, tax burden was high for multiple homeowners.” “It was when this came out,” he said.

He continued, “Park Soo-hong did not have much cash at the time due to a conflict with his brother,” and added, “Park Soo-hong had no choice but to sell this house. After much consideration, the conclusion he reached was to sell it to Kim Da-ye, who would become his wife.”

He said, “Kim Da-ye, who was in her 20s at the time, did not have the ability to pay 1.25 billion won,” and “So she rented it out and bought a house, and the actual money she spent was 300 million won. She raised 300 million won with her own savings and with the help of her parents. “The basis for this remains taxes,” he said.

Jin-ho Lee said, “It is not true that Park Soo-hong handed over an apartment worth 2 billion won to Kim Da-ye,” and added, “It was an inevitable choice for Park Soo-hong and his wife, who were short on cash due to tax issues and the wedding.”

[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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