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Broadcast: The missing Shoigu was previously mentioned as a possible Russian president after Putin

One of the closest associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who has been missing from the public eye for two weeks, was mentioned as a possible Russian president after Putin, TV3’s “Nothing Personal” reported.

Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov has spread news that S. Shoigu has fallen ill. Mirror, meanwhile, reported rumors that Shoshig had had a heart attack.

The Ukrainians spread information about the plan to replace Vladimir Putin in the presidency with the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov. News leaked from US sources that Shigigu was planning a coup.

“Within these structures, there are clan fights, there are attempts to figure out who could be the traitor. Now several high-ranking generals are trying very hard to gather[kompromāta] folders for other generals. And in fact, the whole story is now turning into a cockroach race. Who will reach Putin first and who will hand over the folder to another general? This is also happening, “says Vladimir Osechkin, the founder of Gulagu.net and a human rights activist.

Sergei Shoigu is one of Putin’s closest associates. He was even mentioned as a possible Russian president after Putin. It is possible that he played a major role in starting the war with Ukraine.

“Last year, the Russian Committee of Inquiry, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Expenditure Chamber began to investigate large-scale corruption in the Russian army. deputy ministers who oversaw government contracts, “says Vladimir Oschkin.

Vladimir Osechkin has good relations with FSB staff. according to them, Shigaig urged the president to start a war, because after the victory it would no longer be possible to calculate the amount of money wasted or to find out how worn out or well-maintained the equipment was. But the effects of corruption have been further highlighted by the war.

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