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Britt Dekker ate ‘an apple and a carrot’ a day to lose weight | Stars

entertainment">Initially, Dekker wanted to eat a bit healthier at the start of her TV career. She said she ate ‘six white balls with shaken bellies sprinkles’ every morning and was especially tired of it. “After I was twenty-five, it really slowed me down,” she says.

entertainment">The healthy food went well for her, but when social media started to play a greater role in her life, she went a bit too far, she says in the magazine. „Then I saw all the Anna Nooshins and such and I thought: well, those look good. Then I got a little carried away with food. At one point I really only ate an apple and a carrot in one day. That became a kind of challenge,” says the presenter.

entertainment">People around her, such as her manager and partner Max Apotowski, then pointed out to Britt her unhealthy diet. “If you get skinny and you make YouTube videos for young kids, that’s not possible. Then they said: take a look at this video and photo. And then I thought: yes, they are right,” says Britt, who then started eating normally again. “I’m not completely blown away.”

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