Home » today » Entertainment » Britney Spears is not tender to her home country America: “Been bullied so many times by this country” | celebrities

Britney Spears is not tender to her home country America: “Been bullied so many times by this country” | celebrities

CelebritiesNormally Britney Spears (40) saves her tirades on social media for her family, but this time it is her home country America that has to believe it. On Saturday, the singer shared a fairly long message, which has since been removed, about the many documentaries that have been made about her – without her permission.

In the past two years, many documentaries have been made about the American singer. Just think of the documentary ‘Britney vs. Spears’ or ‘Framing Britney Spears’. However, the singer herself has never given permission for this and in the meantime it has gradually been enough for the pop diva.

Britney Spears is now lashing out at her homeland on social media. “If it was America’s intention to humiliate me, I think they did a great job…”, it sounded on Instagram, among other things. She continued: “I have been bullied so many times in my life by this country. It’s just too crazy for words. And is it actually legal to make a documentary about someone without permission?”


According to Britney Spears, no one has ever been the subject of a documentary so often. “And these specials claim they want to help me. Serious??” The singer went on to say that she has never seen anything so offensive. “Everyone I’ve talked to has said this is why the receivership is over. Serious? This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” She continued: “So these people just get away with this without telling the truth about what they really did to me, but they can put me in the spotlight in its embarrassing way? And then they claim they are doing this to ‘help’ me.”

The American singer also had a lot more to say about the whole situation on her Instagram account. For example, Britney Spears was also not tender to the American paparazzi. The pop star believes that photographers always try not to take such flattering photos of her. Spears also believes that many documentary films have used many inappropriate photos and videos of her. Again without her approval.


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Watch the trailer for the explosive Britney Spears documentary here

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