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Britney Spears emotional during hearing: ‘In fact I’ve been abused for 13 years’ | Stars

entertainment">The singer presented her side of the story in her story and told the judge that she feels “a slave” to her father. “I’m so angry I can’t sleep, I’m depressed and I cry every day,” said Spears, who said she was forced to tell the world she was happy. However, that was all a lie. “I just want my life back. It’s been thirteen years and it’s enough. It all makes no sense. I’m ready.”


entertainment">“He enjoyed being in control of me. Not for 100, but for 1000 percent. I am in fact being abused and have been for 13 years. I now want to tell my story so that maybe everyone can understand the damage that has been done to me. Then and still now. I was forced to take medicine with lithium, which is supposed to stabilize your mood. This made me feel like I was drunk all day. I couldn’t stand up for myself and was afraid to start a conversation with both my father and mother,” Spears said.


entertainment">As Spears described her life during the poignant testimony, she likened herself to a sex trafficking victim. “The people who did this to me should not get away with this,” said the singer, who also announced that she wanted to sue her family.

entertainment">Spears also described that she actually wants to get married and have another child, but that she has an IUD. “I want it out, but they don’t want to take me to the doctor to have it removed.”

entertainment">“I have been working since I was 17. I truly believe this trusteeship is wrong,” said Spears, who has been under her father’s supervision since 2008 due to a mental breakdown. “I can’t live a full life right now. I want it to stop without being re-evaluated.”


Audio turned off

entertainment">At a certain point, the lawsuit could no longer be followed via audio. The court is said to have shut down all audio after it turned out that recordings were being made. The many live tweets would also have contributed to the decision to turn off the sound. Before the audio was turned off, Spears made some other noteworthy statements. For example, she told the judge via Zoom that she has learned a lot about taking care of yourself in the past year. Because of the corona virus, almost everyone was at home for months and that time, the singer apparently gave certain insights.

entertainment">“I know that I’m afraid of people and don’t really trust anyone. It is incomprehensible to me that I have to go to therapy in a place that photographers can easily access, it is very painful. They took pictures of me when I left there crying last Tuesday. Why can’t that therapist just come to my house so I can have privacy and talk without having to worry about an army of paparazzi waiting for me outside?” Spears said.

entertainment">The singer was also not exactly happy with her care manager Jodi Montgomery, who has been determining for a number of months what she can and cannot do in a private area. Spears said Montgomery is “fierce.”

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