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British study: disadvantaged die more often

Poor and disadvantaged regions in the UK die twice as likely from the effects of coronavirus infection as the better off. This emerges from a study published on Friday by the national statistical authority.

The UK statistics agency investigated around 20,000 Covid-19 deaths between March 1 and April 17, and found that mortality rates are particularly high in the most deprived areas of the country. There it is 55.1 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. For comparison: in the least disadvantaged areas it was only 25.3 dead per 100,000 inhabitants.

Covid-19 reinforces slopes

Regions with an above-average unemployment and crime rate and in which access to health care is restricted are considered to be disadvantaged. The mortality rate in these areas is higher than elsewhere in normal times, “but Covid-19 appears to exacerbate this,” said Nick Stripe, an analyst with the statistical agency.

The capital London is among the hardest hit, with 85.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. The south-west of Britain is least affected.

According to a study by the Institute of Fiscal Studies, ethnic minorities in Britain are more likely to die from coronavirus infections. They are therefore more likely to work in occupations where they are more at risk of infection than others. “Our research showed that 63 percent of coronavirus health workers were black or of an ethnic minority,” said Tim Cook, honorary professor at the University of Bristol. (apa)

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