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British “Pfizer-AstraZeneca Vaccine Safe” (Comprehensive)

Emphasis on “AstraZeneca is also effective for the elderly over 65”

“Provides protection even for UK mutations…prepared for further mutations”


AstraZeneca Corona 19 vaccine approved for use by EU

(London AFP = Yonhap News) The European Union (EU) executive committee officially announced a conditional sale of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine jointly developed by multinational pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University in the UK on the 29th of last month (local time). Approved. This vaccine is the third Corona 19 vaccine approved by the EU after the vaccine developed by Pfizer, Bioentech and Modena. The photo was taken last November of AstraZeneca and Oxford Corona 19 vaccine, syringe, and company logo. [email protected]

(London = Yonhap News) Correspondent Park Dae-han = Additional data that both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are safe in the UK, where more than 10 million people have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) came out.

In addition, the AstraZeneca vaccine, like other age groups, was found to be effective for people over 65 years of age.

According to the BBC Broadcasting and Reuters news agency on the 5th (local time), the UK’s independent regulatory agency, MHRA, conducted a safety-related analysis on 7 million people who had been vaccinated by the 24th of last month.

Most of them received the Pfizer vaccine, and some received the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Of the 1,000 vaccinations, 3 or 2,820 people reported suspected side effects, most of which were mild symptoms such as muscle pain, fever, inflammation at the injection site, headache, and fatigue.

It was presumed to be related to the body’s response to vaccination, not to disease, and usually improves after a few days, MHRA explained.

Some of the Pfizer vaccinations had allergic reactions, but it was very rare, with 1-2 per 100,000 people.

MHRA stressed that there have been no unanticipated serious side effects yet, and that there is strong evidence that the vaccine prevents severe symptoms related to COVID-19.

“The vaccine is very safe. The effectiveness overwhelms the risk,” said Sir Münir Pirmohamed, chairman of the Commission on Human Medicine Expert Working Group involved in vaccine approval in the UK. Will” said.

“Safety is our motto,” said MHRA Commissioner Dr. Jun Lane. “It is very important to get the vaccine when you get notified.”

The UK reiterated that the AstraZeneca vaccine has proven to be effective in the elderly, such as those over 65 years old.

Earlier, other countries in Europe, such as France and Germany, suggested that the AstraZeneca vaccine should be vaccinated only for those under the age of 65, saying that data are insufficient.

Sir Pirmohamed pointed out that at the time the British authorities approved the AstraZeneca vaccine, there was not enough data about the age of 65 or older, but “there was no evidence that the vaccine was not working for them.”

“Since then, as more people completed clinical trials, we were able to see additional data from AstraZeneca,” he said. “It shows that the vaccine also works for older people.”

At the same time, he said that the elderly also showed a strong immune response.

The UK entered the world’s first Pfizer vaccination in December of last year, and AstraZeneca vaccination began in January of this year.

It has already been estimated that more than 10 million people have received the first dose of the Corona 19 vaccine.

Meanwhile, a research team at Oxford University, who developed a vaccine produced by AstraZeneca, said that the vaccine is also effective for mutations originating in the UK.

This mutation, which first appeared in the state of Kent in southeastern England, UK, is up to 70% stronger than the existing virus and has been estimated to have the potential to lead to a higher fatality rate.

Accordingly, countries around the world have restricted or prohibited entry from the UK.

“ChAdOx1″ (Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccine), as well as the original pandemic virus, has rapidly increased in the UK since the end of last year, said Professor Andrew Pollard, chief investigator at the University of Oxford Vaccine Research Group. The new mutation that brought about’B.1.1.7′ was also shown to protect (inoculated).”

Serra Gilbert, a professor at Oxford University, who led the development of the vaccine, predicts that the vaccine works for the UK variant, but it may need to be changed to accommodate new mutations that may emerge in the future.

Accordingly, it is said that AstraZeneca is working with AstraZeneca to optimize vaccines.

[email protected]

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