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In England, a nurse was convicted of killing seven newborn babies and attempting to kill six more.
It has been called the worst child serial killer in British history, and the British society was shocked by the crime revealed during the trial.
Correspondent Cho Bit-na’s assistant.
Lucy Letby, a nurse arrested by British police…
A note found in the house read, “Killed the children on purpose. Because I’m not good enough to take care of them. I’m evil.”
Letby, who was a neonatal nurse, was put on trial for the murder of seven babies over a period of about a year from 2015.
There were also premature babies and twins, and even killing them after the fourth attempt.
It turned out that he was injected with air, forced to feed milk, and poisoned with insulin, mainly during the night shift.
[파스칼 존스/검사 : “루시 렛비는 아기들에게 해를 입히는 방식을 다양하게 바꿔서 자신의 범죄를 숨기기 위해 최선을 다했습니다.”]
A doctor at the neonatal unit revealed that the hospital was procrastinating from first raising the issue in October 2015 until reporting it to the police.
After a 10-month trial, a jury found Letby guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six, saying that Letby had “committed a calculated and inexorable crime.”
[자넷 무어/피해자 가족 연락 담당관 : “이번 판결이 우리(피해자 가족들) 모두가 겪어야 했던 극심한 상처, 분노, 고통을 없애지 못할 것입니다.”]
British media expected a life sentence and said that a quicker response from the hospital could have saved the babies.
This is Cho Bitna from Moscow for KBS News.
Video Editing: Cha Jeong-Nam/Research: Cho Young-Eun/Graphics: Kim Ji-Hye
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#nurse #believed #newborn #baby #serial #killer.. #British #society #shocked
2023-08-19 12:26:00