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British Military Exercise in North Rhine-Westphalia: Motorists Beware of Convoys

Compiled by Christian Wolf and Tim Scholz from the WDR-Newsroom.

topic of the day

British military on the road in North Rhine-Westphalia Starting today, motorists and travelers will have to be prepared for larger military convoys. Because the British military is doing an exercise and for this purpose vehicles and troops will be moved from the barracks in Paderborn-Sennelager in East Westphalia to a military training area in Saxony-Anhalt in the coming days.

Around 2,000 British soldiers came to Germany for the military exercise called “Iron Storm”. According to a military spokesman, the training ground in Saxony-Anhalt is about house-to-house fighting. The exercise lasts about three weeks and then the squad moves back to Senne.

Most of the heavy vehicles and tanks are moved by rail. Civil forwarding companies will also be in action. But the British military will also be seen on the streets. The British armed forces drive about 300 lighter vehicles from NRW to Saxony-Anhalt. The route is about 280 kilometers. A spokesman for the British armed forces told WDR that the route would probably first take the A33 towards Bielefeld and then the A2 past Hanover and Braunschweig to the east.

News from NRW

Fire in a large bakery in Leverkusen A fire broke out in a large bakery in Leverkusen yesterday. The hall partially collapsed. During the night, residents in several parts of the city were still warned not to open doors and windows due to heavy smoke. The State Office for Consumer Protection advises residents in the cities around Leverkusen not to eat any fruit or vegetables from the garden – because of the soot particles. The cause of the fire is still unclear.

The emergency services are now reporting that the major fire is under control. According to the fire brigade, embers still have to be extinguished. For this reason, road closures around the fire area are very likely on Monday morning.

A1 near Münster released faster than expected • Since Sunday evening around 9 p.m., cars have been on the road again in both directions. A bridge was demolished here over the weekend. The section of the highway had been completely closed since Friday evening. The work went much faster than the Westfalen Autobahn operation had calculated. In the coming year there will be the next full weekend closure between Münster-Hiltrup and Ascheberg when the new bridge is being built.

More flexible taxis in the Bergisches Land The on-demand taxi Efi in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district is expanding its radius. As of today, it no longer only runs in Odenthal, but also in Kürten-Bechen and in Dabringhausen. The taxi is on the road without a fixed timetable and transports passengers who can no longer get anywhere with regular buses as required.

More headlines

Federal Minister of Finance Lindner on a visit to the Ukraine • Lindner arrived in the capital Kiev by train on Monday morning. The FDP politician said his visit was about concrete support for the Ukrainian side from the Federal Ministry of Finance. For example, for even more foreign direct investments, cooperation with customs and administration. In addition to weapons, Germany has already made around 1.5 billion euros available to Ukraine since last year. Chancellor Scholz and several ministers were also in Kiev before Lindner.

Court announces decision on vaccination disease In the trial of a 33-year-old from Upper Franconia against the vaccine manufacturer Astrazeneca for suspected vaccine damage, a decision will be announced today. The civil lawsuit before the Bamberg Higher Regional Court is one of the first against a corona vaccine manufacturer in Germany. The plaintiff had been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine from the British-Swedish company and then suffered what is known as intestinal vein thrombosis. She fell into a coma, and eventually part of her intestines had to be removed. The woman demands at least 250,000 euros in compensation from Astrazeneca, as well as 17,200 euros for loss of earnings and up to 600,000 euros for future impairments.

Annalena Baerbock | Image source: dpa/Christophe Gateau

Foreign Minister Baerbock stuck in Abu Dhabi due to plane breakdown • The Green politician left yesterday for a week-long trip to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. After refueling in Abu Dhabi, we initially continued as planned. A short time later, the plane had to fly back to Abu Dhabi due to mechanical problems. Now a search is made for new options for the onward flight. It is not Baerbock’s first plane breakdown: it was only in mid-May that the Foreign Minister was stranded in Doha in the desert emirate of Qatar because of a punctured tire on her government Airbus.

Collapsed Morandi Bridge in Genoa | Image source: WDR/dpa Antonio Calanni

Anniversary of the Genoa bridge collapse On August 14, 2018 at 11:36 a.m. a section of the city motorway bridge in Genoa, Italy, collapsed. It tore down cars and trucks and buried dozens of homes. 43 people died, numerous others were injured, around 600 lost their homes. Five years later, the devastating accident is remembered. As in previous years, ship sirens sounded in the harbor at the time of the accident, and the bells of all churches in the Archdiocese of Genoa rang.

Apparently more acts of violence at train stations • According to the Bild newspaper, there is more violence in numerous train stations in Germany. This emerges from a document from the federal police. According to this, there are around 28 percent more acts of violence compared to 2019. Compared to 2021 – when there were significantly fewer train passengers due to Corona – the increase was even a good 38 percent. The main stations in Hamburg, Hanover and Nuremberg as well as in Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Dortmund, Leipzig and Düsseldorf are particularly affected. The federal police recorded more acts of violence during the period of the 9-euro ticket, in the evenings and on weekends.

The weather in North Rhine-Westphalia

There could also be showers in the Eifel today | Image source: wdr

Showers possible during the day In the morning it will be loose or slightly cloudy everywhere with sunny intervals and dry. In the afternoon little will change at first, but later there will be a few showers or thunderstorms, especially from the Eifel via the Cologne Bay and the Bergisches Land and Hochsauerland to the Warburger Börde, while there will be hardly any showers on the Lower Rhine and north of the Ruhr. Temperatures reach 25 to 28 degrees.

And by the way …

Probably no visitor record at Cranger Kirmes The Cranger Kirmes ended yesterday evening in Herne – the largest folk festival in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 3.8 million people came in the past eleven days. That was a little less than usual. The reason was probably the rainy weather.

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