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British media accuse actor Russell Brand of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse

The British channel Channel 4 will show a documentary on Saturday evening in which details are made public that would mean “the end of a celebrity’s career”. The program is said to reveal “serious criminal allegations” about a public figure. Leaked information shows that it is the British comedian and actor Russell Brand (48).

Brand – known as an actor in ‘Get Him to the Greek’ and ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’, and as an ex of Katy Perry – took flight and published a video on his YouTube channel in which he calls on people not to believe anything. Why did he already realize that he was the target of the documentary? He received two “extremely disturbing letters” from a newspaper and media company detailing the allegations.

Brand called it “a litany of extremely blatant and aggressive attacks that are not true.” He continued: “These allegations relate to the time when I was working in the mainstream, when I was constantly in the newspapers, when I was in the movies. And as I’ve described extensively in my books, I was very promiscuous at the time. But all the relationships I had were absolutely mutual.” That made it appear that the accusations were of a sexual nature, and that now appears to be true.

Russell Brand defends himself in a video on his YouTube channel


The allegations against him have been leaked, and they appear to involve rape, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Four women are said to have fallen victim to his “criminal behavior” between 2006 and 2013.

One of them claims he raped her against the wall of his Los Angeles home. Another woman believes he had sex with her when she was just 16 years old. Brand was 31 at the time. He even called her ‘the child‘. The two are said to have had a relationship for three months that was riddled with sexual and emotional abuse.

A third woman claims that Brand sexually assaulted her while she was working with him in Los Angeles, and that he threatened to take legal action if she said anything about it. The fourth woman also says Russell assaulted her, describing it as “physical and emotional abuse.”


Brand claims that the channel deliberately wants to attack him. “I have always been transparent. But to see that transparency now develop into something criminal that I absolutely deny, makes me wonder if there is another agenda at play,” he says in the video.

Meanwhile, the comedian was also removed from the websites of his PR firm and agency. Brand is also scheduled to perform a comedy show tonight at the Troubadour Wembley Park, for an audience of 2,000. It was confirmed that the performance will go ahead as usual – just hours before the documentary airs on TV. Whether this is still the case after all the information has been leaked remains to be seen.

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