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British Man Mistakes Brain Tumor for Caffeine Headache

51-year-old British Steve Begin began suffering from a severe headache in 2021, but he did not give it much importance, believing that it was because he drank too much coffee.

With the pain continuing for months on end, Steve went to the hospital, where doctors insisted on an MRI scan.

After three days, the result appeared, and he learned that he had a cancerous tumor in his brain, and that he had nothing to do with drinking a lot of coffee.

Steve was optimistic after learning of the injury, despite the state of shock and surprise.

After the tumor was removed, he said: “It was mixed feelings, I was worried the tumor would come back, but I was so happy that they got rid of 99.9 percent of it.”

He added: “I think my fitness played a big part in my recovery, and seven weeks after surgery I did 35 miles on the bike with my friend. I have a strong will anyway but cycling has made me stronger.”

He continued, “Cycling has helped me through the most difficult times and I think it helped me recover from the operation, emotionally and physically, and I want to prove to myself that after all this, I can complete this.”

It is noteworthy that recently, many studies related to coffee have been published, which confirm in one way or another that drinking coffee in moderation is beneficial.

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2023-05-18 07:31:18

#thought #coffee #headache. #medical #examinations #shocking

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