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British intelligence said that it limits the offensive of Russia in Ukraine

In particular, there are problems with the logistics of the Russian army.

Counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine seriously limit the offensive of Russia / photo REUTERS

Logistical problems and active counterattacks Armed Forces of Ukraine limit Russia’s offensive capabilities.

This is stated in the British intelligence report, informs British Ministry of Defense.

“Continuous Ukrainian counterattacks are forcing Russia to use large numbers of troops to protect its supply routes. This severely limits Russia’s offensive potential,” the statement said.

In addition, there are problems with the logistics of the Russian army.

“Unwillingness to maneuver over rough terrain, lack of air control and limited ability to use bridges make it difficult for Russia to effectively provide forward units with even the basic necessities of food and fuel,” British intelligence notes.

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As UNIAN reported earlier, The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announcedthat the enemy has difficulty with provisions, refueling equipment, and in most places of deployment, logistics has been destroyed.

The number of active battles and offensive activity of the enemy decreased. There are two reasons here: the first is that the enemy was counting on a very fast blitzkrieg and was not ready for the war to last more than 10 days, and the second is that the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed even what the enemy had to replenish their supplies.

As a reminder, February 24, 2022 Russia started the war against independent Ukraine and set up a real terror in the country. The Russians are shelling peaceful Ukrainian cities with heavy weapons, killing the civilian population, including children and women.

After the start of the Russian invasion, civilized countries imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation. The restrictions concerned the circulation of currency in the country, debt obligations, sanctions against Russian banks, etc. The exchange rate of the ruble soared almost 4 times in just two weeks of the war. Analysts predict the Russian economy will default in April this year.

Global manufacturers and brands began to massively leave the Russian market of the Russian Federation. Although some international companies are still keep working there and pay taxes to the aggressor country, which it directs to kill Ukrainians.

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