Home » today » World » British consider Dutch ‘Noah’s Ark’ as unseaworthy

British consider Dutch ‘Noah’s Ark’ as unseaworthy

The floating Bible museum StoriesArk is not allowed to leave the harbor of Ipswich in England for the time being. The Dutch ship, also known as Noah’s Ark, has already docked in the East English coastal town in November 2019. But according to the British Coast Guard, the vessel is unseaworthy, local media and the report BBC. It is unsafe to leave, the Coast Guard says.

The VerhalenArk was built in 2006 by the Dutch contractor and carpenter Johan Huibers. The ship is a (smaller) reconstruction of Noah’s Ark as described in the Bible. The replica is 70 meters long and 13 meters high.

In 2010 the colossus was bought by former television producer Aad Peters. He wanted to make it the first floating Biblical theme park in Europe. The museum includes wooden sculptures of stories from the Bible, such as that of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel.

Fully insured

According to the local newspaper Ipswich Star the VerhalenArk does not meet all legal requirements and there are concerns about safety on the ship, including fire safety and the available life jackets and lifeboats.

The ship’s owners tell the newspaper that the ark has always been classified as an “uncertified floating object”. According to them, the ship does not have to comply with international rules. They also say that the vessel is fully insured and would have passed numerous inspections.

Daily fine

The Ipswich Star further writes that the StoriesArk has already owed the British authorities more than 12,000 British pounds (more than 14,000 euros) in detention costs since January. Since April 1, the day the ark was supposed to leave, a daily fine of 500 pounds (582 euros) would be added.

According to the newspaper, the case is leading to tensions between the British and Dutch authorities, with British Transport Minister Grant Shapps being asked to mediate.

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