Home » today » News » British actor Tom Wilkinson has died, he was 75 years old. He became famous with the comedy Do naha

British actor Tom Wilkinson has died, he was 75 years old. He became famous with the comedy Do naha

British actor Tom Wilkinson has died suddenly at the age of 75, the British BBC reported on Saturday. He became especially famous for his role in the comedy Do naha! from 1997, for which he won a British Film and Television Academy Award.

Wilkinson was nominated for an Oscar twice, for his role in Michael Clayton, opposite George Clooney, and for the crime drama In the Bedroom. He portrayed characters in more than 130 films and series. The Encyclopedia of British Cinema describes him as “a star of great character whose gifts included the ability to express inner pain”.

In Britain and elsewhere in the world, he became most famous in the film Do naha!, in which he played Gerald, a worker fired from a steel mill. Together with several other men, he tries to make money by organizing a striptease show.

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