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Britain to grant hundreds of new licenses to extract oil and gas in the North Sea

Britain will grant hundreds of new licenses to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea as part of the country’s efforts to become more energy independent, government sources said, cited by Reuters.

At the same time, two new carbon storage and utilization complexes will be created in the regions of North East Scotland and the Humber, North East England.

“Now more than ever, it is vitally important for the country to strengthen our energy security so that we are in a position to deliver more and cleaner energy at a better price to British homes and businesses.”, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement. Later today he will visit energy sites in the Aberdeen area of ​​Scotland.

Despite the UK’s 2050 goal of carbon neutrality, a quarter of its energy needs will be met by oil and gas, he said.

The British energy regulator expects the first new licenses to be granted in the fall, notes BTA.

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