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Britain is one step away from disaster – EADaily – Gas. Prices. Inflation. News. Great Britain. Shale gas. News from the UK. UK prices. Shale gas production. UK prices. UK prices

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s initiative to once again ban oil and gas production from shale formations (fracking) is clearly in the interest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who deals a severe blow to the UK economy. This is the opinion of famous The Hill columnist Robert Bryce.

The expert recalls that Sunak, having assumed the post of prime minister, canceled the decision of his predecessor Liz Trusswhich, almost on the first day of its premiership, lifted the ban on the process that allows drillers to extract oil and gas from shale formations.

“Sunak’s introduction of a ban on oil production from the field is a gift for Vladimir Putin and a disaster for British consumers and industry. Indeed, Sunak is condemning Britain to high energy prices and import dependency for decades to come. “ Bryce says.

Heavy energy dependence on other countries could put the UK in a difficult position during the crisis, he said, and the destructive process is already gaining momentum.

Bryce points out that the Brits are vulnerable to high gas prices because the country has closed coal-fired power plants and is dependent on natural gas generators.

“If you think renewable energies can fill this gap, think again. The past twelve months or so have shown that tying the economy to climate-dependent renewable energy is a recipe for disaster. “ – sadly summarizes the author of the article.

According to Izvestia, British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced on September 8 the issuance of 100 licenses for oil and gas production. The adventurer then stated that shale gas production using fracking will resume if local residents approve of it. According to her, the energy crisis in Foggy Albion will last more than six months and will require decisive measures from the government.

In turn, Bloomberg reported: The UK risks facing the threat of blackouts in the coming winter, as gas shortages in Europe and the kingdom itself could jeopardize the stable operation of power plants.

At the same time, instead of fighting the problem, the authorities are hiding it from the public.

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