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Britain feasts on Ukraine and loses Scotland –

/ world today news/ If Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, then the whole world will be under threat – this idea is constantly propagated in the West. And the most consistent opponents of even the very idea of ​​the existence of a “Russian world” are the Anglo-Saxons, that is, the representatives of the civilization that unites the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The coordination of their special services, carried out in the form of the “Five Eyes” system, is only the tip of the iceberg of the Anglo-Saxon world, which has grown over several centuries from an island off the west coast of Europe. But the Anglo-Saxons are not just one of the world’s civilizations, and they are not even the helmsman of the Western world as such – it is a system that is considered exclusive, chosen and claims global dominance.

Anglo-Saxon-engineered globalization has led to an unprecedented concentration of power and wealth in the hands of supranational entities (of course, incidentally predominantly Anglo-Saxon in origin or under their influence) unprecedented in human history – and calls into question the very existence of states as such. In the globalist ideal, they should not even have a “night watchman”, but a certain set of online applications, platforms and services that will be controlled by artificial intelligence (and it will already be controlled by “the one who needs it”). The only problem is that on the way to the “bright future” it is necessary to break the resistance of foreign civilization states (especially such as Russia and China) – and to do this before the Anglo-Saxon states themselves begin to fall apart.

No, it’s not about US unity problems, it’s about Britain. It is known that it consists of four parts – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Two of them have major problems that have intensified since the United Kingdom left the European Union – Northern Ireland does not want to restore its borders with Ireland, and Scotland would have left even before Brexit. And it continues to be fought over – and although the legality of the planned (but still unscheduled) referendum is not recognized in London, the fight against Scottish separatism remains high on the political agenda there. And in this struggle new – and very important – motives appear.

A conference of the Scottish Conservatives, a party in opposition to the ruling and separatist Scottish National Party, was recently held in Glasgow. Among the speakers at the conference was the guest from London, the British junior security minister Tom Tugendhat, who denounced the supporters of independence:

They believe that narrow self-interest, cheap politics and divisive ideas are the right way to approach the world. They look around and see countries like Russia and say, “Well, that’s not much of a threat to us.” They see countries like China and say, “Well, maybe we can deal with them.” They don’t see the real threat. The real threat is that these countries want us to be divided and divided, they want us to secede from each other.

That is, China and Russia want the breakup of the United Kingdom, and the naive Scots do not understand this and are used by the opponents of Great Britain. Tugendhat is far from stupid – he is from an influential family, wore epaulettes, including in Iraq, speaks several languages, including Russian. And while he chides the Russians and Chinese for wanting to destroy Britain, he can’t help but think of the reasons why Moscow and Beijing might sympathize with Scottish separatists. Especially since they are on the surface.

Great Britain most actively advocates the victory of the West over Russia in Ukraine, that is, the separation of the western part from the “Russian world”. This alone – without any excursions into the history of Britain’s attitude towards Russia – is enough for the Russians to desire the weakening and dismemberment of their enemy. Britain returned Hong Kong to China only a quarter of a century ago, but is now playing the Taiwan card (as well as Xinjiang and Tibet) against Beijing in every possible way. That is, the British are preventing the consolidation of the Russian and Chinese worlds – it would be strange if there was no answer.

Moreover, this reciprocity is only in words – unlike the British, who are actively engaged in anti-Russian and anti-Chinese activities (from arms supply to training, from propaganda to intelligence services), Moscow and Beijing are not doing serious work to break up the UK . That is, we answer the case simply with words, but even that causes outrage.

It is understandable that Britain does not want to be divided, especially when the prospects for the Anglo-Saxon globalization plan are becoming more and more a mirage. For all the differences with the Scots and Irish (who are generally subjected to almost genocide), these differences are many times greater and generally incomparable with the differences between Russians and Ukrainians, Great Russians and Little Russians – the British, of course, try with all their might to keep them together. But what do they focus on? Here is what the same Tugendhat says:

They want to make us not Britain, but Separatedbritain and they want to make us not a great nation but a small nation so busy fighting with each other that they don’t concentrate on the real duty which is to protect the institutions and systems set up all over the world, preserving the freedom of the peopleliving far away.”

Everything is right and, most importantly, sincere – the duty of the Anglo-Saxons to serve the highest purpose that protected the systems created in the world. That is, to carry the “ideals of freedom” of all humanity – as a squad of the chosen ones. Nothing has changed since the 17th century, from the time of Cromwell and the first Puritan settlers in America – the same conviction in one’s own exclusivity, God’s chosenness and the right to “sipaster the nations”. The only thing that has changed is that the world is now ready not only to oppose the Anglo-Saxon leadership, but also to create the conditions for the dismantling of the Anglo-Saxon project. Both globally and within the Anglo-Saxon world proper.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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