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“Bringing the crisis into the classroom”. Goal, change prime minister? – Free Daily

A year ago these days Matteo Renzi was committed to promoting the birth of the Pd-M5s government led by Giuseppe Conte. Today the former prime minister is not so convinced that the Giallorossi are able to reach the end of the term. “Will he make it? I don’t know, I don’t have the glass ball, ”he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “The government goes ahead if it does the right things for the country – added the former scrapper – at the right moment, when the prime minister wants to ask for our opinion, we will not back down”.

Renzi has also addressed the rumors that he is one of those who are asking for the reshuffle: “I’m not asking. And in any case, a prime minister does not change ministers like a mayor changes councilors. If a crisis opens, even if it is managed, we are there and we lend a hand because it is clear to everyone that this legislature must reach 2023 and elect the successor of Sergio Mattarella. The ball is in Conte’s hands. When work resumes, he will let us know how he intends to proceed ”. Then Renzi did not spare half a controversy with the premier, according to which a possible vaccine for Covid should not be mandatory: “With everything we have been through, if the vaccine arrives, what do we do? Do we leave the freedom of choice and lock everyone at home for another three months? If it comes to the vaccine, it goes without saying that it will have to be mandatory. Otherwise what sense does it make? “.

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