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Bringing Food to the Beach: Saving Money on Italian Beach Restaurants

In Italy, the custom of bringing food to the beach for lunch has returned. The reason is the high prices of restaurants on the beaches.

“If you want to eat decently, you need at least 50 euros. No, no, that can’t be done,” a vacationer told RAI public television.

A study by the National Confederation of Farmers Coldiretti for the Tuscany region also proves it. People are not giving up sunbathing by the sea, but they are preparing food from home – a measure introduced by Tuscan families to cope with rising food and drink prices.

Thus, along with the umbrella, deck chair and beach towels, there is also the cooler bag, which reminds the older people of the 60s of the last century.

The Confederation of Farmers also made a statistic of the homemade beach menu – itself an Italian tradition: first of all, cold rice salads with vegetables, chicken or fish. There is no shortage of fruit, BNR writes.

Coldiretti clarifies that for Italians this way of eating on the beach is healthier. A trend supported by the fact that in Italy one can count on the wide network of markets for direct sales by agricultural producers.

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2023-07-31 04:50:00
#Lunch #beach #expensive #food #Italy #fashion #60s

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