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Bringing Convergent Text Writing Classes to Life with Content-Differentiated Digital Teaching Materials

Malang, November 2024 – “Learning in the old way is outdated. We need innovation,” said one of the teachers of SMAN 7 Malang when we were talking in the teacher’s room. I also had the same thought. This is where my research began regarding the development of digital teaching materials that are different from content for learning to write negotiation texts.

This research comes in response to the challenge of learning to write which is often considered boring by students. I, as a researcher, try to combine digital elements and different content in one package of innovative teaching materials.

The classroom atmosphere seems to change when digital teaching materials are implemented. If before writing negotiation texts was a difficult and boring task for students, now the class is full of enthusiasm. Material that is traditionally provided is now available in a digital format that this generation of students is very familiar with.

The teaching materials presented include videos, infographics, and modules based on the Moodle application. The material is presented attractively and colorfully using the Canva application.

Image of students accessing Digital Teaching Materials

The material presented is also divided into different levels to accommodate the students’ level of learning readiness. The material is presented with principles content differentiation with student readiness starting from easy, intermediate and difficult.

The names of the preparatory level groups are taken from the names of social media platforms that are familiar with the daily life of students today. The easy stuff is called Tiktok. Intermediate stuff is called Instagram, difficult stuff is called Youtube. This is where the main difference between these teaching materials lies. These digital teaching materials are more dynamic, following technological developments and the needs of students who are increasingly used to digital tools.

With the digital teaching materials developed, students have the opportunity to learn according to their levels of learning readiness. Determining the learning readiness level is based on the results of the diagnostic assessment. For the TikTok level, the material presented is simplified with broader language and vocabulary and activities adapted to the needs of students at the less prepared level.

In the Instagram section, the material presented is more complex and varied, with more technical language and terminology. Activities are also made more diverse and complex to suit the level of needs of students in the ready category. For advanced levels, the challenge is greater. The functions, vocabulary and style of language are more complex and technical than Instagram categories.

Source: Author’s collection

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2024-11-09 18:03:00
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