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Bring Pi record back to Switzerland | myScience / news / wire

University of Applied Sciences Graubünden wants to bring Pi record back to Switzerland

19. May 2021

The most precise calculation of the circle number Pi is an unofficial benchmark in high-performance computing. The current record is 50 trillion decimal places. The record attempt at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden has been running since May 4th: The Center for Data Analysis, Visualization and Simulation (DAViS) wants to bring the Pi record back to Switzerland together with the Computational and Data Science course.

The number Pi (Greek letter for Pi:?) Describes the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle. Pi is not only an interesting number for mathematicians and data scientists, it is also used every day by engineers and craftsmen; For example, to calculate the circumference of a circle (U = 2 «r) or the area of ​​a circle (A =» r ^ 2). What is mathematically interesting is that pi has no regularity or repetition. It is therefore impossible to specify pi exactly as a decimal point, you can only get closer and closer to the exact number. The exact name for such a number is “transcendent”.

At first glance, calculating trillions of digits of a transcendent number doesn’t make much sense. The point, however, does not lie in the exact knowledge of the sequence of digits, but in the way to be able to calculate it. This not only requires the right hardware, but also, in particular, the expertise to set up the hardware correctly, to adapt it to the software and to operate it without interruption over the weeks of calculation.

World record attempt has been running since the beginning of May
The team at the Center for Data Analysis, Visualization and Simulation (DAViS) is facing up to this challenge in cooperation with the Computational and Data Science bachelor’s degree. Since May 4, 2021, the calculation at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden has been running with the goal of approx. 2 x – x 10 to the power of 13 digits. That’s around 62 trillion jobs. The current world record is “only” 50 trillion digits.

On behalf of the Canton of Graubünden, DAViS bundles expertise and provides infrastructure. “The high-profile record attempt is a good opportunity for us to build up expertise in the field of computation and to demonstrate it to the outside world,” says Heiko Rölke, Center Manager. “We are not only available for projects in data analysis, but also master the handling of large amounts of data and high computing requirements, so-called high-performance computing.” The fascination of Pi inspires young people all over the world. Head of studies Prof. Corsin Capol adds: “The close cooperation with DAViS not only gives our students the opportunity to work on current research topics, the students also benefit from an excellent hardware infrastructure and proven lecturers. This prepares our graduates for a data-driven future. “

Joint establishment of a regional competence center
The possibilities of modern data use, for example by means of deep learning or in the context of climate-relevant simulations for predicting floods or avalanches, are an increasingly important location factor. On behalf of the Canton of Graubünden, the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden and the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) are building the Center for Data Analytics, Visualization and Simulation (DAViS) in Davos to conduct research, industry and teaching in the areas of data analysis and scientific computing to bundle and support with the aim of establishing a regional competence center. This in cooperation with the Swiss high-performance computing center (CSCS) in Lugano.

After completing the bachelor’s degree in Computational and Data Science, graduates bring specialist knowledge in computer-aided data science with profound knowledge of computer science and natural sciences. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, software engineering, modeling and simulation – these are methods, processes and technologies that you use profitably in data-driven companies: because data is omnipresent today and in the future.

More details:

  • Pi world record attempt: fhgr.ch/pi
  • Center for data analysis, visualization and simulation (DAViS): fhgr.ch/davis
  • Bachelorstudiengang Computational and Data Science: fhgr.ch/cds

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