Jakarta –
Three new research professors within BRIN will be established through an open session on Thursday, 25 April 2024. The Council of Research Professors will hold an open session at the BJ Habibie Building, Jakarta.
Research professor in Indonesia is the highest academic position in higher education institutions or research institutions, especially BRIN. Research professors have a great responsibility as role models and inspirations for other researchers.
Deputy Head of BRIN Amarulla Octavian said that status as a research professor must be demonstrated with increasingly reliable performance. There are five important points he emphasizes.
First, a research professor must be able to conduct quality research and contribute to knowledge in the related field of expertise. Second, to be able to guide researchers and other students.
Three, can provide ideas, input and strategies in developing research and innovation policies, both in the relevant field of knowledge or in management positions.
“In addition, the fourth is able to collaborate with different partners, both national and global. And the latter is able to take an active role not only within the field of the group, but also in general as a community service,” said Vian in a written statement, Wednesday (24/4/2024).
The three main experienced researchers with their experience will make scientific lectures that are the core of the research that has been done so far.
Isnaeni, with a background in optics, diligently studies the efficiency of electrical energy and environmental pollution by presenting quantum carbon dots as a solution.
“Quantum dots are nanometer-scale particles, where electronic confinement occurs that causes the energy levels in quantum dots to be discrete and produce unique properties,” Isnaeni said. .
Carbon quantum dots are a type of quantum dots that can be made from household waste materials, have the advantage of good optical properties, and are easy to synthesize.
By using one type of carbon quantum dots in LEDs they can create yellow, red, orange and white colors of light. In addition to being non-toxic, carbon quantum dots are also sensitive to heavy metals.
“The results of this development will certainly be very useful for monitoring heavy metal pollution in rivers, lakes and oceans,” he said.
Then, Erma Yulihastin, with knowledge of real weather and climate, regularly researched accurate rain forecasting models for Indonesia.
“The results of this development will certainly be very useful for monitoring heavy metal pollution in rivers, lakes and oceans,” said Erma.
He explained that the development of a model coupling method between atmospheric and oceanic components is useful for forecasting the onset of freshwater development based on mesoscale dynamical models. This method was then named the Numerical-Based Atmosphere-Ocean Prediction and Knowledge Decision Support System using Deep Artificial Learning (NAKULA).
“The development of NAKULA is a solution for national independence in extreme weather forecasting technology so that it can produce high-resolution weather forecast databases for the Indonesian region,” he said.
In addition, Muhammad Reza Cordova, who is an expert on marine pollution, explained that Indonesia is considered the second largest producer of marine plastic waste. However, from the results of his research, the figure is two to six times less than global modeling claims.
“This calculation is the basis for reducing marine plastic waste for the eight-year period, starting from 2018 to 2025, that is by 70 percent. candidate at BRIN.
The implementation of basic data and strategies have been compiled showing that in the period from 2018 to 2023, marine litter in Indonesia has decreased by 41 percent.
Watch video”BRIN’s appeal regarding severe weather that may occur in Indonesia“
(nah/ gas)
2024-04-25 02:30:00
#BRIN #Strengthens #Research #Professors #WeatherClimate #Scientists #Marine #Pollution