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Brigitte Delannoy at Camara until Monday, November 15

Brigitte Delannoy started photography ten years ago. At Camara, she presents, until Monday, November 15, thirteen pictures on the theme of nature that she captured during her walks in the Eure Valley.

These contrasts between shadow
and light

“I am a teacher and arthritis therapist, self-taught in photography. Recently, I have been taking photography classes at Philippe Buffa’s studio in Champhol, where you learn a lot of techniques and tips during indoor and outdoor photo workshops, ”she emphasizes.

Inspired by nature with inexhaustible resources, she always walks with a camera to capture unique moments: “Nature makes us aware of the beauty of our planet and the respect we owe it”, adds the amateur photographer, who is sensitive to animals, trees, flowers, etc.

Through her photos, she shows pretty autumn colors, the contrasts between shadow and light, life in a still life, or even cows and sheep, to alert people to respect for species and nature.

Practice. Exhibition “Au fil des balades”, by Brigitte Delannoy, until November 15, at Camara – le Labo, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 9.45 am to 7 pm. Free entry.

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