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“Brigitte Bardot Hospitalized for Severe Respiratory Failure: Latest Updates and Revelations”

A few days ago, our colleagues from France Sunday revealed very disturbing news about the state of health of Brigitte Bardot. Indeed, the actress was hospitalized for a few days at the Toulon hospital following a “severe respiratory failure”. She would have stayed like that for several days. “in intensive care”. If the doctors prescribed him “at least three weeks of convalescence in their establishment”, the actress preferred to leave “after four days” and return home. But its sequelae are serious: “the star would suffer from serious sequelae due to her breathing difficulties and, no doubt, lack of blood oxygenation… cognitive disorders affecting oral expression and writing would thus severely handicap her”.

“She refuses to have surgery”

Brigitte Bardot hospitalized in intensive care: what is (really) going on? Revelations and information on a French icon! #TPMP pic.twitter.com/7UTNDhKfCD

— TPMP (@TPMP) May 2, 2023

2023-05-03 05:33:24
#Brigitte #Bardot #escaped #hospital #refuses #worrying #news #state #health

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