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Brigitte Bardot gets carried away and violently insults the government, she wants to leave the country!

Brigitte Bardot criticizes the government without taking gloves. They are even insults that the actress utters against the leaders of France. No room for half measures in the words of Brigitte Bardot who cries of scandal. Actress and singer, Brigitte Bardot is also an activist and she therefore knows how to give voice to the causes in which she believes. And at 85, she obviously hasn’t finished ascend the tone! On the air South Radio she violently criticizes the French government. Brigitte Bardot admits then wanting to leave France as she is disgusted.

Brigitte Bardot at the center of new controversies

The great actress, Brigitte Bardot, is not afraid to tarnish her image with controversy. On social networks or in the media, she makes her opinion heard, which is often very clear-cut. Throughout the world, she is known for defending the animal cause, but also for having been a very beautiful woman. Actress and singer, her physique and her talent allow her to shine internationally. Even today it enjoys a reputation that goes beyond the borders of France. A France that she loves but that she no longer recognizes. Because it revolts to note that the police officers are accused of violence and that certain sectors of the territory becomes inaccessible to them. However, rather than taking the problem as a whole, it blames the people who suffer the system. And this does not happen to Internet users.

Talking about the police

In fact, on June 12, Brigitte Bardot wanted to defend the honor of the police. After the demonstrations of the yellow vests and the violence that some have suffered, the pill is bitter for Internet users. Indeed, to defend that the police only do their job is completely honorable, but how can we tolerate that it does not condemn the actions of some who are beyond all measure? Certainly conditions extremes call for extreme responses. But France remains a democratic country and the violence of the police towards the population would above all make one think of dictatorial countries. In addition, many members of the security forces would certainly have liked to join these demonstrations peacefully. Indeed, they represented the social divide which has raged in the country for years and which is becoming intolerable.

But rather than raising the debate, Twitter is the scene of violent verbal contests. And Brigitte Bardot is really not one to let herself go. Leaving to add fuel to the fire, she goes to the end of her convictions and wish to thank the police for their work. However, it also does so by insisting that they protect France from “invasive scum”. And these words could easily be interpreted as racists. It is therefore without notice that Internet users call it to order. Without fixing the situation, the two sides confront each other on equal terms: hurtful and insulting words.

An attack in order against the French government and the head of state

Brigitte Bardot will not learn the lesson about having to choose her words. No, at 85, she believes that she no longer has a lesson to receive from anyone. However, don’t we say that we can learn at any age? Brigitte Bardot remains camped on her positions and takes advantage of her notoriety to speak in broadcasts, at peak times listen. Fans of the actress salute her cleaning when it is to defend the animal cause. But when it attacks the government, the fans are divided. Especially since it still evokes the problem of filigree suburbs and that the slip is not far away.

Indeed, a new controversy falls on her back and she will once again have done nothing to avoid it. Brigitte Bardot violently insults the government on July 7 on the airwaves of South Radio and don’t hide his anger. She will then deal with “cowards”, with “submissive” and we pass from there, Emmanuel Macron and the members of the French government.

Brigitte Bardot gets carried away and goes so far as to say that she no longer recognizes France. She could leave it as she finds the “disgusting” atmosphere. For her, people with an immigrant background are clearly the problem and she puts everyone in the same bag without consideration. It’s pretty terrible to think like that, but it has gone way too far to succeed in thinking properly. Because it has only insults in the mouth to qualify the government. Violent remarks that shock but in which many Internet users find themselves. What create even more debates on the web.

Brigitte Bardot does not weigh her words, anger takes over

Indeed, the problem of the suburbs is indisputable. But it is more the problem of their isolation that must be deplored and analyzed. Brigitte Bardot also finally denounces this when she attacks the government which she says lacks courage in the face of the situation. However, she slips when she thinks the suburbs are “protected” by the government in this way. Because the people who are the real victims are those who live in these territories which she calls “lost”.

In any case, Brigitte Bardot will still be talked about for a while with this story. And there is no doubt that she will remain on her positions because her activist soul has taught her not to back down from critics. It remains to be seen whether the debate will stay between it and Internet users or if the government wishes to respond to the scathing comments of this figure of French cinema. In the meantime, the canvas is ablaze and Brigitte Bardot will certainly not return to these words, wrongly or rightly.

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