Home » today » News » Brigadier J’s attorney reveals new findings in the shooting incident at Ferdy Sambo’s house, allegedly this is the location where Brigadier J was tortured and killed…

Brigadier J’s attorney reveals new findings in the shooting incident at Ferdy Sambo’s house, allegedly this is the location where Brigadier J was tortured and killed…

Jakarta – Family attorney Brigadier J Kamaruddin Simanjuntak suspects the alleged premeditated murder of Brigadier J or Brigadier Joshua previously mentioned dead after being involved in a gunfight incident with Bharada E at the official house of the inactive Propam Head of Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on Friday (8/7/2022).

The reason was that a number of strange wounds were found which led to allegations of torture before Brigadier J died. One of them was found to have a wound on the neck of Brigadier J’s body, which is suspected to have been a snare mark before the victim was shot.

“We found that there was another wound in the neck, which means that there is an assumption that the late Brigadier J was snared from behind,” said Kamaruddin on Wednesday (20/7/2022).

In addition, another strange wound was also found, namely Brigadier J’s fingernail being pulled out. According to Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, this further strengthens the suspicion of premeditated murder.

“His nails were removed, we estimate it was done when he was still alive when it was removed, so there are allegations of torture,” said Kamaruddin Simanjuntak at the Bareskrim Building. Police on Thursday (21/7/2022) when he was met at the Criminal Investigation Police Building, Jakarta.

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