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Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Dismissed General Related to Brigadier J

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan became one of the generals removed from his position by the National Police Chief Gen Listyo Sigit Prabowo because he is being investigated in the case of the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadi J.

Hendra was removed from the seat of the Head of the Paminal Bureau of the Propam Police Division. He was transferred as a high-ranking officer of the Police Headquarters Service (Yanma).



According to various sources, the Bandung-born man has been active as a police officer since graduating from the Police Academy in 1995.

Hendra was then unfortunate to carry out a number of positions in the Propam Police Division.

He is known to have served as Kaden A Ro Paminal Divpropam Polri, Middle Policy Analyst for Paminal Div Propam Polri, to Kabagbinpam Ro Paminal Divpropam Polri.

Throughout his career, Hendra also received a number of police service marks. Some of them are Bhayangkara Naraya Star, Satyalancana Ksatria Bhayangkara, Satyalancana Karya Bhakti, to Satyalancana Bhakti Pendidikan.

Brigadier General Hendra has served as Head of the National Police Divpropam Bureau since November 16, 2020. He is also the first police general of Chinese descent.

However, now Hendra is ‘parked’ at Yanma Polri. The mutation against Hendra was stated in the telegram number 1628/VIII/KEP/2022 dated August 4, 2022.

The position left by Hendra is now filled by Brigadier General Anggoro Sukartono. Anggoro previously served as Head of the Deputy Profam Bureau of the National Police Propam Division.

Previously, Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan was mentioned as the person who forbade Brigadier J’s family to see the body.

Brigadier J’s attorney, Johnson Pandjaitan, said Hendra sent Brigadier J’s body and intimidated the family by forbidding them to open the coffin.

On the other hand, the Main Investigator of the Divpropam Polri Kombes Leonardo Simatupang claimed that he was the one who delivered Brigadier J’s body to the family. He said Hendra was not present when the body was handed over to the family.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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