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Brigades in the pantheons applied 688 flu vaccines – El Sol de Parral

Health Jurisdiction III applied a total of 688 doses of influenza vaccines in cemeteries during the Day of the Dead holidays, this is one of the actions that are part of the flu vaccination campaign, however it was little response in children under the age of five with the application of basic vaccines.

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Marco Antonio Rodarte, spokesperson for the Sanitary Jurisdiction III, reported that the highlights of the Day of the Dead festivities were the vaccination modules in the pantheons Dolores and Luz Eterna, on October 30, November 1 and 2, where the Jurisdiction , there has been a good response from the people.

It is reported that since October 11 thousand 386 doses of influenza have been applied throughout the health jurisdiction, in the municipalities of Parral, Zaragoza, Jiménez, Allende, Coronado, López, Matamoros, Santa Bárbara, San Francisco del Oro, Huejotitán, El Tule, Balleza and Guadalupe y Calvo, in addition to reporting that the vaccination campaign of the basic table continues in children aged 6 months to five years.

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The spokesperson for the Health Jurisdiction III stressed that in the pantheons the vaccine modules have had a good response from the elderly, they are the group of the society that most seeks vaccines this season of the year, they are also the sector of the population that is most vulnerable due to the risks of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

It should be noted that during the pandemic there was a shortage of vaccines for children under the age of five and who could comply with the basic scheme at the table, just as parents stopped attending health centers to vaccinate their children, that’s why the Health Authority This year the jurisdiction intensifies the vaccination actions, invites parents to come and vaccinate their children.

The basic vaccination scheme in children is the application of hexavalent vaccines consisting of three doses in children of 2, 4 and 6 months, this vaccine protects children from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, hemophilia and influenza type B, it has been reported that vaccines are safe and effective to protect children and parents have also been recommended to carry vaccination cards so that infants are in control of boosters.

It has been reported that there is still a shortage of the infant population to vaccinate, which is why vaccination campaigns are being carried out in neighborhoods and public places so that no children remain unvaccinated, the vaccination modules that have been installed at the entrances of the cemeteries do part of the campaign, however in these modules there was little response with children under five and being able to apply basic vaccines to them, it was also indicated that the jurisdiction has 10,000 doses for minors.

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However, a good response has been seen with the flu vaccine, especially in the elderly, since a total of 688 doses have been applied in three days, since October 11 thousand 386 doses of flu have already been applied throughout the Health Jurisdiction, up from It is also expected that during the campaign more modules will be installed at the entrances of supermarkets, squares and public places so that people come to get vaccinated.

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