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Briefly reported – Gottenheim – Badische Zeitung

Residents’ assembly – council and committee meetings – more bathers allowed – summer stage starts – trade association meets


Residents’ assembly

The Gottenheim population is invited on Monday, July 5th at 7 pm to the residents’ meeting for the project “Getting old well in Gottenheim” in the Winzerhalle, Umkircher Strasse 3. At the beginning, Cornelia Kricheldorff from the Catholic University of Freiburg gives an overview and goes into the concepts of “care living group” and “shared responsibility”. This is followed by a short film by the “Specialist Office for Outpatient Supported Housing”. The following panel discussion will be attended by Waltrud Kannen (managing director of the Sdlicher Breisgau welfare station and chairman of the association “Freiburg Model – Network for Residential Groups for People with Dementia”), Gerhard Kiechle (former chairman of the Breisgau building association), Daniela Jgle (family carers with experience with a residential group) and Anne Helmer (board member of the Freiburg association “Woge – living group for people with dementia”). There is a question and answer session for citizens.


Council and committee meet

The implementation of the parking space concept is the subject of the council meeting on Tuesday, July 6th, 7 p.m., in the gymnasium and festival hall, Hauptstrasse 13.In addition, information on combating phylloxera, the award of cleaning services for community buildings and the award of contracts for energy Refurbishment of the day nursery in Kindergartenstrasse as well as the refurbishment of the Wilhelm-August-Lay School and the Btzingen-Eichstetten border path (Gewann Truttental). The technical committee meets at 6.45 p.m. in the festival hall.

More bathers allowed

Due to the persistently low number of new corona infections, the Btzingen outdoor pool can increase the number of visitors. Instead of 450 visitors each in each of the two daily time slots, 700 visitors are now possible. Registration is via the municipality’s website http://www.boetzingen.de


Sommerbhne started

The Dorfgasthaus Bolando, Leimbachweg 1, starts its summer stage program this year with a concert by Magic Acoustic Guitars on Thursday, July 8th at 8 p.m. Magic Acoustic Guitars are the two guitarists Roland Palatzky and Matthias Waer, whose repertoire ranges from flamenco and their own compositions to classics by the Eagles and Eric Clapton. Admission is free, after the concert there is a collection for the artists. A table reservation is required Tel. 07633/9599910 or [email protected].


Trade association meets

The annual general meeting of the trade association Schallstadt / Ehaben / Pfaffenweiler will take place on Friday, July 9th, at 7 p.m. in the Johann-Philipp-Glock-Halle. In addition to individual reports, new elections to the Board of Directors and honoring longstanding members are planned.

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